The USAW/CrossFit Open


Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 pound Dumbbell squat cleans, or medball cleans, or barbell cleans 30 reps
30 Burpees

Tracy and June lift in the USAW/CrossFit competition today. Check out the live feed link on today's post!

Free Live Coverage of the CrossFit/USAW Weightlifting Open begins Friday at 9:30 AM MDT (8:30 Pacific, 11:30 Eastern).

11 Responses
  1. Chris Hansen

    Sweet. That live feed is already up and working. Funny because you can hear the guys checking the mic’s, testing music, etc.

    I will SO be checking this out today while I work. Give ’em hell Roots!!!

  2. Jasmine

    good luck, ladies! attack those heavy weights fearlessly. and june, let out that primal yell 😉 (just like we were both working on wed).

  3. Olivia

    June/Tracy… remember the inspirational horse scene we discussed yesterday in order to gain tranquility.. gotta maintain those coritsol levels..
    That is an advantage you need to “harness”

  4. Mike

    The live feed is terrible. It froze literally as Tracy was about to pull on her 2nd attempt and came back when it was a new person. Either way you ladies are killing it!

  5. Hey all!

    Tracy and June did GREAT. June rocked a PR in both of her lifts and Tracy (coming back from a summer of injury) rocked a meet PR in her snatch. Both did great with the AMRAP – June laying it all out and Tracy showing noticeable improvement in her double-unders and a kick ass pull-up performance.

  6. Chad

    Awesome job June and Tracy! Hopefully the replays online will not be all scrambled so we can watch your performances unhindered. So June, Sectionals in the spring?