Class Schedule Survey – be sure to take it!
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
Run 400 meters
30 burpees
Run 400 meters
30 overhead squats

Sweatshirt and Sweatpant Orders – FAQ
What items of clothing are available for purchase?
Pullover sweatshirts, zip-up hooded sweatshirts (very similar to last year’s), and sweatpants
What are the prices?
If ordered before Sunday, February 9th:
– pullover, $45 ($50 afterward)
– zip-up, $63 ($70 afterward)
Will you have extra hoodies if I don’t pre-order mine?
We will probably have a few but there is no guarantee to how much stock we will keep. If you want to make sure you get a hoodie this year, pre-order.
Where can I see pictures of everything that is available?
Either click on the Roots Gear link or stop by the shop and look at the bulletin board with color print outs of everything available.
How can I pre-order my sweatshirts and sweatpants?
Either place your order online through MBO or stop by the shop and fill out an order form. If you place a paper order at the shop, you can pay by check.
What size should I order?
Nicole wears a women’s Medium sweatshirt, Eric wears a men’s Large sweatshirt.
I think I’m missing something. I can’t find the sweatpants when I click on the Roots Gear link. Are those not available for pre-order?
The message states the price if ordered before Sunday February 9. In what year? This year (2011), February 9 falls on a Wednesday, and in fact has already passed.
Ok Bones, thank you for pointing out my typo. The message should read “if ordered before February 13th.”
Always here to help!