3 rounds, each for time of: • 100 single-udders • 50 double-unders • 25 triple-unders Rest as needed between rounds. A triple-under occurs when the rope passes three times under the athlete’s feet in one jump.Read More
Every 2 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-2:00 15-ft. rope climbs, 2 ascents 185-lb. front squats, 2 reps From 2:00-4:00 15-ft. rope climbs, 2 ascents 185-lb. front squats, 4 reps From 4:00-6:00 15-ft. rope climbs, 2 ascents 185-lb. front squats, 6 reps Continue adding 2 reps to the front squat each interval...Read More
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 10 handstand push-ups to 6-in. deficit 20-calorie row 30 single-legged squats, alternating Tomorrow is the annual Thanksgiving Shit Show team workout! Please remember that you MUST sign-up for class in order to participate so hop on over to MBO and make it happen. We’ll see...Read More
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 4 bar muscle-ups 45-lb. dumbbell Turkish get-ups, 6 reps 8 ring push-ups As we gear up for the start of the 2017 Benchmark Series, we thought we’d take a moment to talk about some of the whys behind the daily “what’s the workout?” and programming...Read More
Two squat cleans every minute for 15 minutes. Last month, we wrapped up the 2016 Benchmark Series. For 12 months, athletes were tested on 12 different workouts and four lifts on a quarterly basis. The goal of the series is to provide a structured basis for athletes to test their progress. Over the years, we...Read More
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 25 pull-ups 50-calorie row 100 overhead squats 50 box jumps 25 pull-ups Men use a 45-lb. barbell and 24-in. box Women use a 35-lb. barbell and 20-in. box Let the holiday celebrations begin now! Through the end of November, Boulder Wine Merchant is offering Roots members an amazing...Read More
Park Workout In teams of 3 complete 5 rounds: 50m slamball granny throws 50m slamball thruster throws 50m slamball shuttle Say hello to Zoe Beth Fezler, the newest addition to the Fezler family! Born on November 13th and weighing in at 7 lbs 14 oz. Sarah is doing great and can’t wait to return to...Read More