1RM Overhead squat
Rest 5min
Max Effort Pullups

Be My Valentine
Valentine’s Day isn’t just for telling your sweetie you love them, it’s also for telling the ones you workout with how much you appreciate their company!
So post to comments, pour your hearts out, and send Valentines!
And don’t forget, the annual CrossFit Roots Couples Valentine’s Day workout is tonight at 5pm.
Never in a million years did I think I would be a 5:30 regular. But, here I am completely devoted because of all if the amazing crazy people who come at that time too. I made it my lifestyle because of you all. So, thank you to my 5:30 am peeps for making me look forward to my 4:35 am wake up call. Love you guys!
Well I have a Valentine for life now but I could send out some additional Valentine love to ALL the Roots members. Without you all none of us would be here and no matter how much drilling, technique work, accountability we give you all you still put in the hardwork that makes it all worthwhile.
And it’s Friday, so how about some shout-outs?!
Here’s one to Emily (EmC) for signing up for the open! 🙂
And another to Donna for lifting heavier than she thought she could.
Tim for working on his mobility weaknesses.
Jordan and Matt for their blistering 1k row times.
Sean for nonstop effort despite his frustrations.
And all the 1.0’ers that I’ve been seeing in the regular group WODs.
Thanks again to everyone and happy valentine!
Well played Shane, well played.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I use a 14 lb wall ball now…Lila, thank you.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I ALMOST have kipping pull-ups, but let’s just say I do.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I need to get on the GHD more because sit-ups make me blue.
Roses are red, violets are blue, double unders are my nemesis, I just can’t get my damn feet through.
Roses are red, violets are blue, muscle-ups ain’t going to happen, but maybe in a year or two.
Roses are red, violets are blue, Crossfit Roots is my spot, thanks to all of you.
This is awesome.
Lots of Valentine’s to send out!
– Valentines to all of the coaches at Roots. Thanks for all the back office shenanigans and laughs.
– To my workout buddy Hillary who is the reason I show up each day to train and train hard.
– Valentines to my 8:30am class this morning who freaking destroyed the 1k row with poise and chaos!
– Valentines to the 5:30am Friday class, there’s always something fun about Fridays at 5:30am!
– And a Valentine to Eric because I love you;)
One big Valentine to all my 5:30 AMers. If you guys weren’t so crazy and talkative those early mornings would be way more difficult
I can’t wait to wear my Valentine’s day outfit tomorrow!
-Valentines go out to my amazing, inspiring Women’s Group! You all have made me so proud over the past year. Big props to Sue, Alicia, and Carol for ditching the pull up bands for good this week. Woot!
-Another Valentine to Allaina, we will miss you @ 10:30 am on MWF!
-Valentine to Laurie for getting in the gym to stay fit and strong despite an injury.
-Valentine to Rylee – we hope you’re back soon!
-Valentines to all the new members at Roots (Foundations grads and those of you who just moved to town)! Excited to have you join our crew.
-Valentines to ALL our members and my coworkers – you make CF Roots the best job ever.
Valentines to badass Dre who shows up on one leg every day and kills every workout with a huge smile on her face.
Valentines to all my CF kids that show up on all four, dance, fall over but never stop having fun. Much much love!!!
Happy Valentines Day!
Shout outs…
-Kitty for running in the snow with toe shoes
-Competitors for learning to love running (or at least act like it 😉 )
-Bob Africa for your patience with your broken wrist
-Trish and Iron Dave for throwing DOWN at the Tough Love competition
-Alex Cobb for getting through Foundations and becoming a member!
-And last but certainly not least, to the coaches, for keeping those bathrooms so darn clean.
Thanks Kirk! Nipple tassels!
Happy Heart Day to everyone who kicks ass and inspires me to do the same! And Happy Heart Day to all the coaches who are still convinced I am stonger than I am. One day!
my other Valentine goes out to the deadlift, my favorite because it’s the only one equal to or over my body weight! 🙂
Shout out to the 6:30 am Valentines! Many have graduated to no bands for pullups over the past year. We kicked @$$ this morning! It is a pleasure and inspiration to workout with all of you!
How Do I Love Thee Roots? Let Me Count the Ways….
I love thee from the depth of my squats, the breadth of my newly acquired skills and especially the HEIGHT my crossFIT soul can now reach on a rope….I love thee to whatever intensity level of every day’s WOD….I love thee freely and with every spare farthing I willingly devote to thy SFH fish oils, and thy hoodies…..I love thee with a passion born of heaving lungs, burning glutes and quivering quads (Yes, Endurance…that special love was for THEE!)….I love thy view from the top of my GHD sit ups……I love thee with a love others may never understand….I love thee with post WOD smiles, the occasional intra-wod tears of frustration and if God choose, I shall but love thee better after my uber master years….till death do us part!
Happy Valentine’s Day with 3 breath HUGS and virtual dark chocolate DOVE treats to Roots staff and my entire Roots “family” of CHOICE!
Valentines to:
-All the 5:30am athletes and coaches, who make starting off the day with a WOD so much FUN.
-Ryan and Oly Club for teaching me what it means to get under the bar.
-All the Roots women, who often make me pause and think about how fortunate I am to know so many strong women
-Lucie, for getting our daughter excited about CrossFit and exercise in general
-Eric and Nicole for creating a space where all of this awesomeness can happen on a daily basis
Wait I have another! Hearts / Shout Out to KayCee for slipping an extra 5# on my bar at the last second today, like it was no big deal. 15# PR, woot woot! Never would have gone for it without her push! And then she rocked out 15 pullups after a zillion OHS! Nice.
I want to give a shout out to Eric and Nicole for taking me under their wing almost 5 years ago and showing me what this Crossfit thing is all about.
And I want to give a shout out to Stef and Lisa P. for being my super fly Valentines tonight 🙂
Lots of love to…
-Lynner for being the most consistent 7:30 workout partner I’ve got. Thanks for pushing me.
-Roots coaches for making sure all their athletes are safe and challenged and for making me move better.
-Eric, Nicole, and Stef for being the best family.
-Trey Love for convincing me to move to Boulder and be a part of the greatest CrossFit gym out there.
Shout out to the comp team! You all make everyday so fun! Keep kicking ass!