“I’d love to try CrossFit but I don’t want to get bulky.” We hear this frequently, especially from women who have been beaten down by fitness programs over the past 15 years. As a new-to-CrossFit female back in 2007, I was drawn to CrossFit and the chiseled and lean physiques of the women who dedicated their time to the program. They had abs, they were strong, and they looked like athletes. But in the back of my head I did wonder, would I get bigger doing this program? Sure I want muscles but I don’t want muscles that are too big. Luckily, I came across a brilliant article from over 10 years ago, “Top 10 Reasons Heavy Weights Don’t Bulk Up the Female Athlete” by Tim Kontos, David Adamson, and Sarah Walls. I’ve pasted it here because I can no longer find the original version as it was published on elitefits.com. It’s helpful. Read it. If...
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