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“Elizabeth”21-15-9Power CleanRing Dips Congrats and Welcome Back! Jed and Ian are back at Roots after completing the Fire Academy training program. Ian was voted “Top Gun” of the entire recruiting class and both represented Roots well throughout their training. Give them a “high five” next time you see them. Good luck gentlemen as you transition into your new careers!
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EMOTM for 15 minutes:1 Hi-Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch Pushing Through Injury. Being injured is no fun. At Roots, we do everything we can to avoid it. We nitpick technique; scale judiciously; and spend the extra time to address our mobility issues. But sometimes, it rears its ugly head even in spite of our best efforts. When it happens, it can be devastating. On the mild side, injury can derail our training and push us off course. If it’s major, it can impact our health and life in far more serious ways. If you’ve ever been injured enough to force you to take significant time off, you probably know that it takes a psychological toll as well. Frequently we get asked if it is ok to workout if you are injured. Unfortunately, we can’t answer that for you. Every person and every injury is different. But often, the answer is...
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CrossFit Open WOD 12.4 Not sure what that means? Come on in and we’ll show you! Embrace the Unknown. We talk a lot about “constantly varied” here. This week’s workouts have been no exception. But we all have biases. Some of us like heavy lifting days; others crave the short intense met-con or the long chipper. We all know that working in only 1 domain leaves us unbalanced as an athlete and open to injury. We wouldn’t do this to ourselves intentionally, but sometimes our biases creep in. That’s why your coaches always keep a few surprises up their sleeves. We want to make sure that you don’t miss out on the opportunity to breathe hard if your subconscience nudges you to sign up for lifting-oriented days and avoid the breathers…or vice versa. Big ups to those athletes who smiled and attacked the 200M sprints on Tuesday even though you...
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“Lynne” Five rounds for max reps of:Body weight bench pressPull-ups Meet a Coach: Get to Know Blaine Roots recently welcomed Blaine to the coaching staff. While he is working on learning every Roots athlete’s name, we wanted to give you a chance to get to know him as well. Here is a glimpse into his life outside of Roots. What does your non-Roots world consist of?  Outside of Roots, I’m a husband to my wife, Alyssa (also a Roots member), an officer in the United States Air Force, and currently an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies at the University of Colorado-Boulder.  My job in Boulder is a 3 year stint and a break from my “regular” job as a civil engineer.  What sort of athletic endeavors have you or do you participate in outside of CrossFit?  I played any sport I could from kindergarten through high school.  In college I played football....
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Push Jerk: 8-8-8Front Squat: 3-3-3-3-3 Miss Manners…Part 2 For our next installment of Miss Manners, we have a guest columnist whom many of you may have encountered before. This week she addresses a topic that is relevant to CrossFitters new and old. Dear Cindy, Just the other day I was doing my favorite WOD, your namesake in fact.  I taped my hands because I have bad tears on both from developing thick calluses since I started at the gym.  The tape job didn’t hold and my tears opened up again, but that didn’t stop me from finishing. On my way to work, I remembered that I tore off the bloody tape, threw it on the floor and never picked it up.  I’ve seen other people do this, but is this cool?  I mean, I want to fit in and all.  Also, any thoughts on how to prevent tearing?  While bloody...
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