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For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood Walking Lunge, 50 steps 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45 pounds 50 Back extensions 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 50 Burpees 50 Double unders Here Comes the Open! The CrossFit Games are to CrossFit what the SuperBowl is to football. To get there, you must get through Regionals; and even before that, you must get through the Open. The Open is the most inclusive competition in the world. It consists of a series of workouts that are released 1 at a time, and have to be completed within a given time, usually 1 week. The results are submitted to CrossFit HQ which tabulates and posts the results of the thousands of athletes competing. Last year it was 5 workouts over 5 weeks, but as with everything that is CrossFit, we...
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“Cindy”Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:5 Pull-ups10 Push-ups15 Squats OR “Mary”Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:5 Handstand Push-ups10 One legged squats, alternating15 Pull-ups Sunday Morning Inspiration We all have different reasons for the work we put in at the shop. For some, it is competing; for others, it is long term health and wellness. One of my motivations is knowing that I can throw down on any adventure on any day even if I haven’t trained for that specific endeavor. That strategy has worked pretty well for me over the last few years. This one might be an exception. But it does inspire me to get outside and go for it. Don’t miss this amazing video. When was the last time your fitness met adventure?
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Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 Attention to Detail. It’s been a big week here at Roots. We ran, snatched, threw wallballs, made our pullups and pushups better and stronger, and managed to hit 2 benchmark workouts with Helen and Fran…all in a week. That sounds pretty constantly varied to me. But wait, we still have the weekend! Today features overhead squats. The work you do today will pay off in better core strength, shoulder mobility, and every kind of squat imaginable. But if you are a met-con lover, the work you do today will also pay off the next time a triplet or couplet comes up with snatches or overhead squats. Give the lifting set today the attention to detail it deserves.
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“Fran”21-15-9DB or KB Thruster (95 pounds)Pullups What’s for Breakfast? Yep, we’ve all heard it: “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”.  I couldn’t agree more.  How could one live, let alone function, without a few hot steaming cups of coffee each morning? Beyond that, all bets are off.  It used to look a like a bowl or 2 (or maybe even 3) of cereal. But these days, I am an eggs and meat gal.  My husband’s breakfast often freaks me out as it looks more like a salad than breakfast.  I’m fine with all these veggies at dinner or even lunch,  but breakfast? When I’m crunched for time, I often default to a banana and some type of nut butter. I know–not ideal; but still better than 90% of the breakfasts consumed around American breakfast tables every day. Other times, when  we know life will be hectic, we...
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Five rounds for time of:10 Toes to bar10 Power snatch (75 lbs)10 Wall ball shots (20 lbs) Just Finish. We’ve all been there. Those days when it takes all you can do to just get to the door. Then, you look at the workout and it is the exact opposite of the workouts you like. Then, you go to get dressed and your favorite socks are still wet from the day before (yuk.)  Nevertheless, you tell yourself that you are just going to warm up and maybe you will feel better. Before you know it, you are face to face with the “3-2-1 GO!” moment and you are no more sure of your desire or ability to complete the workout than you were when you walked in. But still, you start. You silence the voices during the first round that suggest perhaps today just isn’t meant to be. You resist...
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