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In teams of two:AMRAP 12 minutes:2 front squat2 thruster6 toes-to-bar Pick Your Partner Have you ever noticed how partner workouts make you push just a little bit harder? Meet someone new today and make them work just a little harder.
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Three rounds for time of: Run 200m7 push presses, 70lb DBs14 ring rows Get Ready…The 2013 Open is Coming Who is the CrossFit Open, what does it do, why does it work, when does it happen? Each year CrossFit Roots participates in the Open, the CrossFit Community’s online competition and launching point to the CrossFit Games. Athletes, whether they register or not, end up doing all of the workouts because we do them in group classes. Despite encouragement, pleading, begging, and downright “pleeeeaaaaassssing” from the the coaches, athletes are hesitant to register and decide not to.  Then, two weeks into the Open athletes come up to us and say, “oh this is so much fun, I wish I would have registered!” Don’t let this happen to you! All those questions and more answered beginning next week.  Read the posts on the Open.  Know what’s going on.  Don’t miss out.
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Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 chest to bar pull-ups 10 wall ball shots (20/14)15 KB swings (24/16kg) January Newsletter Link The January 2013 Newsletter hit email inboxes yesterday.  If you missed the info, click here to be up to date! And check out these great upcoming events and programs including the 2013 CrossFit Open! January 7th – CrossFit Endurance Pre-Season Training Don’t let January and February pass you by.  Start your spring training with a consistent and focused program that is snow and lack of motivation proof.  Click here for program details and sign-up.  Three spots left. January 7th – Olympic Weightlifting Foundations Gain access to the Olympic Weightlifting classes and Roots Oly Club by taking this 4-session course with our very own Ryan Landis.Click here for Foundations details and sign-up. January 7th – Women’s Only On Ramp Want to get started with the Women’s Only Program...
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January 2013 newsletter.
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Getting back on the wagon after the holiday week.
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