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No classes today.  Happy holidays and we’ll see you back in action tomorrow morning beginning at 5:30am. Did Santa bring you something CrossFit-related?  Post to comments. Almost Paleo Apple Crisp Looking for a better dessert option for your holiday celebration?  Stefanie and I crafted this apple crisp recipe on Thanksgiving.  After 3 failed attempts at a tasty crisp topping, we  settled on a mostly Paleo top. Ingredients:– 6-8 peeled, cored, and sliced apples– Juice of 1/2 lemon– 8-16 dates, pits removed– cinnamon– nutmeg– salt – butter– coconut flakes (large flakes work better)– 1 cup pecans– 1/4 cup gluten free flour (optional) Directions:1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease baking dish with butter.2. Toss peeled and cored apple in juice of 1/2 lemon and 1 tsp cinnamon3. Take our your Cuisinart  4. Puree dates with 1/2 stick of melted butter until you get a nice jam consistency5. Add 2 tsp cinnamon, 1...
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Five rounds for time of:275 pound Deadlift, 7 reps30 Squats7 Handstand push-ups That reverse hyper by the front doorway of the shop is prehab and rehab gold.  Use it. A Recipe and Reading Material My Mom made this last night as part of a dinner of roasted cauliflower, ribeye, and wine.  It was fantastic and will become a new staple in our house for certain.  Enjoy! Roasted Butternut Squash with CilantroPre-heat oven to 350 degrees. 1. Peel and chop 1 butternut squash.  Chop to 1-inch size cubes.2. Chop 1 onion into chunky sized pieces and separate3. Toss butternut squash cubes and onion pieces with 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tsp of salt4. Roast 20 minutes, toss, roast 20 minutes more5. Remove from oven and toss with 1 bunch chopped cilantro leaves And while you’re enjoying some downtime, here are a few interesting articles sent our way.  Thanks! Sorry, vegans:...
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Overhead Lunge6-6-6-6then box squats3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Free Week? On Thursday, Eric and I went skiing.  After a fun but long cold day on the mountain we stopped in at the Bistro in Breckenridge for an early dinner, and as a side note, if you’re ever looking for a Paleo-friendly dining spot post ski in Breck, this place  hits the spot.  The temptation was all too familiar.  It’s almost the start of the weekend, which is almost the start of the holiday week, so, can we be less than good during this meal and kick-off the holiday week maybe just a little early? We decided not to. The holidays present a challenging environment for athletes who spend the better part of a year trying to make good decisions.  Parties, celebration, wine, and food make for a continuous string of scenarios you’d probably rather not face on the food front.  What is it about the holidays that...
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The 12 Days of CrossFit Roots1 – rope climb2 – 50m run3 – bar muscle-up4 – handstand push-up5 – overhead squat (95/65)6 – burpee box jumps (up and over)7 – KB swings (24/16)8 – hang power clean (135/95)9 – toes-2-bar10 – wall ball11 – hand release push-up12 – pistol On the First Day of CrossFit Roots, My Coaches Gave to Me… Come get your Oly on! Olympic Weightlifting Foundations sign-up is OPEN. The next Olympic Weightlifting Foundations course is just around the corner. Come learn the finer points of the snatch and clean & jerk with Ryan. Whether you want to learn from the ground up or just need a refresher, this is your chance to heighten your proficiency of overhead lifting. Successful completion of this course will allow you to participate in the Oly classes offered throughout the week. You must make at least 3 of the 4 days...
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