“Grace”Clean and Jerk 135 lbs (95lbs)30 reps for time Saving Boobs. Hopefully the post title caught your attention! On September 15th THREE teams of CrossFit Roots women will compete in the Girls Gone RX competition in Denver, Colorado. Naturally, the goal is to kick some ass but also to rule the fundraising competition benefiting Barbells for Boobs. No small deed, important cause and your help is sincerely appreciated. And here’s the exciting news! Quish & Co. will match donations made to the Roots team website up to $2,500! Come out to support the following women in this fun 1-day competition: Nicole Christensen Tracie HolcombLucie ZikovaLaura MunroTiffany OngPaula CreevyHillary HarrisShayna LarsenMeredith Harris Click here to donate. And thank you! (100% of net proceeds collected from ALL fundraising events will support BARBELLS FOR BOOBS. Also, the site is a little dark, scroll down past our names and look for the white “Donation...
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