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No Open Shop Today.  See you Monday.
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CrossFit Roots hosts the Level 1 seminar for the CrossFit Certificate Course.
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ATTENDING THE CrossFit Level 1 this weekend at Roots?  Click here for local information. REMINDER: All Saturday classes will be held at North Boulder Park.  We will meet at the southwest corner.  It will be epic. 21-15-9 reps for time of:95 pound Front squatBurpeePull-up Shout Out Friday! Shout out Friday 3rd Edition! Here’s your chance.  Give props, big-ups, and kuddos to the folks you workout next to everyday.  Did you see someone make a break through, do something great, or something nice?  Here’s your chance to give them the credit they deserve, it’s shout out Friday! What exactly is a shout out?  See below. shout-out (n.) Slang. A public expression of thanks or gratitude.  A kind mention of a homey. Examples: “I’d like to give a shout-out to the 11:30am sprint/front squat class a few weeks back – motivating efforts!” “I’d like to give a shout-out to Hillary for turning...
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ATTENDING THE CrossFit Level 1 this weekend at Roots?  Click here for local information. 2 power snatch EMOTM for 15 minutes. Go up in loading as desired. Cool Cruel Summer Tonight! The 2nd Cool Cruel Summer Series is tonight. Workout announced at 4pm.  Come, put yourself in a heat, do the workout, and then mix, mingle and join in the party. Post questions to comments.
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ATTENDING THE CrossFit Level 1 this weekend at Roots?  Click here for local information. Ten min to find max thrusterthen,w/ 75% of established max, 3 thrusters EMOTM for 10 min, or until you can’t complete a round. Score number of rounds completed before failure. Cherry-pick. cher·ry–pick   verb \ˈcher-ē-ˌpik\ First Known Use of CHERRY-PICK: 1965 Cherry-pick in CrossFit defined: Selecting which days to attend CrossFit based on the workout or waiting until the workout is published to determine whether or not one will attend class are the acts that define cherry-picking in the CrossFit world.  The athlete hand selects workouts that seem to confirm their belief about what they are/are not capable of doing, what they “need” or “don’t need” to do, what seems “extreme”, or what will get them fit.  The result is a contradiction between the resulting capabilities and fitness level of the athlete and CrossFit’s goal of creating a general physical...
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