COOL CRUEL SUMMER SERIES KICKS OFF TONIGHT FROM 4-7PM! WORKOUT, WINGS, DRINKS, FUN. COOL CRUEL SUMMER WORKOUT 1 ANNOUNCED AT 4PM AT THE SHOP AND ON THE WEBSITE COMMENT BOARD. Front squat / toes-to-bar Ladder.Do 1 front squat and 1 toes to bar in the 1st minute, 2 of each in the 2nd minute, 3 of each in the the 3rd, and so on until you can’t get the reps done within the minute. No racks, duh.Front squat 185/135 or 70% of your 1 rep max. CrossFit Kids Sign-up and Details The first session of CrossFit Kids kicks off June 5th. The program meets: June 5 – June 28Tuesdays and ThursdaysAges 5-9: 10:00-10:45Ages 10-14: 10:45-11:30SIGN-UP HERE. For more information on the CrossFit Kids program, CLICK HERE.
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