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“Barbara”5 rds for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats Vote for Saturday Class Times As spring and summer roll into effect we wanted to survey the group to see what times folks are most interested in Saturday classes. Please post your vote in the Comments section like so:1. a2. b3. a SATURDAY CLASS SURVEY 1. What is your TOP class hour pick for a Saturday?  PICK ONE.  No write-ins.a. 8:00amb. 8:30amc. 9:00amd. 9:30ame. 10:00amf. 10:30am 2. I come to Saturday classes 2 or more times per month:a. yesb. no 3. I have signed up for a Saturday class and then been too hungover to attend.a. yesb. no Thank you for participating in the survey!
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CrossFit Roots describes the Paleo style of eating.
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CrossFit Roots references many resources to learn more about Paleo.
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CrossFit Roots examines the state of US health.
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Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3then21-15-9push jerk (135/95)KB swing (32/24kg) WOD 1.0 skill tomorrow: hang squat snatch April Newsletter Check-out the April Newsletter in your email Inbox this afternoon!  Topics include: – CrossFit Kids – Roots Spring Olympic Weightlifting Program– Cool Cruel Summer Series!– workouts, food, drink, sign-up (times)– CrossFit Open Recap– Class Schedule Updates– CrossFit Endurance
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