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REMINDER!: NO Open Shop next Sunday.  CrossFit Roots will be hosting the Coaches Prep Course on Saturday and Sunday. Open Shop10:30am-12:30pmOpen to members only.  Sign-up on MBO. SUBMIT YOUR CrossFit Open scores HERE by 5pm TONIGHT. We can not submit your scores for you.  You must log-in to your CrossFit Open account and submit your score.  All scores must be in by this evening.  So do it NOW.  Thanks.
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12 minute AMRAP:1 C&J1 round Cindy2 C&J 1 round Cindy3 C&J1 round Cindy…continue up ladder as high as you can go.  95/135
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OHS 3X10 on 3 minutes rest7×3 power cleans at 60% on 60 seconds rest CrossFit Silver: What is Health? Well… Health is being able to support daily activity without asking for assistance, relying on oneself to till the land and the knowledge to cook healthy meals, being able lift your grandchildren to kiss their cheeks, support and maintain the shelter in which you live, and not having to rely on loved ones to help you when it’s potty time! —That’s all I want, Zac Life is what you do with it. We all have aches and pains, but that should never stop us from moving. What we are used to in our daily lives defines our health and fitness. Being able to maintain our work capacity as we age gives us the opportunity to support our life. Beginning in March, we introduce the CrossFit Silver program.   The purpose of...
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CrossFit Roots throwsdown on CrossFit Open workout 12.1.
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CROSSFIT ENDURANCE WILL MEET AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF NORTH BOULDER PARK TODAY AT 12:00PM. Front squat2-2-2-2then10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1chest-to-bar pull-upsKB swingsring push-ups Warm with Pride The CrossFit Open is upon us.  Tomorrow at 5pm the CrossFit Games website will release the first workout of the 2012 CrossFit Open.  (did that intro get your heart pumping?) My heart is warm with pride at the number of athletes who have signed up.  68! As I look over the list, every name is a story.  I recall the first time we taught you to squat or the first time you achieved something you initially thought you could not, the first time a workout didn’t go your way or the first time you beamed with pride at something you accomplished, and your facial expression the first time we said to you, “you should do the Open.” The Open is so many different things for so many...
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