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2 rounds for time:500m row25 burpees Come to the Talks Tomorrow Night – 6 and 7pm Winter Rest and Recovery Challenge Info Meeting – 6:00pmMonthly Food Chalk Talk – 7:00pm In the past two weeks I’ve had a few people outside of Roots ask me how many calories are burned in an average CrossFit workout. In both instances the question has caught me off-guard because I have no idea and don’t care to ever find out. I realize that many Americans measure their progress in fitness and in health with calories burned. It’s a natural thought process given TV shows, radio ads, internet sites, and workout machines that harp on how to burn more calories. We do a long hard workout and we think it gives us a “free pass” to eat more that evening, we miss a workout and we think we need to watch how much we eat....
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CrossFit Roots details the upcoming nutrition and challenge.
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* TUESDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 6:00PM – WINTER REST AND RECOVERY CHALLENGE INFO MEETING * TUESDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 7:00PM – FOOD CHALK TALK (immediately after info meeting)Attend one or BOTH! Ten rounds for time of: 135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps 15 push-ups Article Roll Thanks to everyone who has passed on interesting articles over the past few weeks!  Some great reads below! Harvard Study Supports Barefoot Running Benefits New Years Resolutions Stick When Willpower is Reinforced Young, Obese and in Surgery
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“Kelly” Five rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 30 Box jump, 24 inch box 30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball Upcoming Events n’ Stuff Saturday – ALL Stronger, Faster, Healthier Pre-Orders DUERead this post to learn more. Sunday – Open Shop, 10:30am-12:30pmSign-up required!  Please visit MBO. Tuesday, January 17th, 6:00pm – Winter Sleep & Recovery Challenge Info MeetingCome learn about this winter’s challenge and get ready for the kick-off the following Sunday.  Stay immediately after for the Food Chalk Talk! Tuesday, January 17th, 7:00pm – Monthly Food Chalk TalkCome learn about our approach to food and how to get started.  Ask questions, get answers.  This talk is great for anyone who would like to learn about our approach for the first time or those who need a little inspiration to get back on track.
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CrossFit Roots discusses the preservation of health.
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