20 Burpee30 Dumbell Push Press 60 KB Swing 30 Dumbell Push Press20 Burpee The Posture Post Posture has become this idea of something that we know we should put effort toward, but we don’t. Our day to day posture may be causing us more problems then we realize. The human body adapts to its surroundings and it does this in an effort to minimize energy expenditure, or efficiency in living. What does this mean? Let’s look at Joe. He works 9 hours a day as an accountant. He sits and types for 8 of those hours. That’s 1/3 of his day. He also sleeps 8 hours a day. There goes another 1/3. Let’s look at his posture during those hours. At work Joe sits in a big comfy rollaround chair. He sits pretty close to parallel as far as depth. Ok, so that’s no problem we do that when we squat everyday....
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