Individually or in teams of two, complete:100 pull-ups100 KB swings (G/Y)100 double-unders100 overhead squats (95/65) For TEAMS OF TWO, complete 125 reps of each exercise. Nicole works through the pull-ups in the 100s workout at Regionals. Pacing makes a difference in this workout, but what pace? Like those pull-ups bars? So do we:) 4th of July Perhaps it’s because I grew up 10 minutes outside of DC, perhaps it’s because my Dad and half of my parents’ friends worked for the federal government, perhaps it’s because I spent every 4th on the National Mall from the time I was 18 and many before that, or perhaps it’s because my brother served as an officer in the Marine Corps – but no matter how I look at it, the 4th of July is hands down my most favorite holiday. The 4th of July is inclusive. Are you an American? Then join...
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