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NOTE: The Paleo Success Talk has been postponed.  We will update you with the new date shortly! “J.T.” 21-15-9 reps of: Handstand push-ups Ring dips Push-ups SIGN-UP INFORMATION FOR THIS WEEKEND’S 11.4 WORKOUT AT MBS. Changes to the Waitlist We wanted to take the opportunity to update everyone on the new waitlist process implemented by MBO.  We are excited about the changes as we think it will give everyone the best chance to take class spots. In the past, the waitlist system rolled a person into class automatically whenever an athlete in the class cancelled.   This could be 10 or 1 hours before the class.  The downfall of this was that the person who got rolled in off the waitlist might not see the email or be able to come on such short notice AND the class then appeared full when viewed on MBO. The waitlist system now works...
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CrossFit Roots describes the new CrossFit Football class on Fridays at 5pm.
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5 rounds:Row 2:00 minutes for max caloriesMax rep double-unders in one attemptRest as needed.  Alternate rest with a partner. Your score for each round is the calories rowed on the erg plus the number of double-unders completed. Example: 32 calories for row + 30 unbroken double-unders = 62. If you miss your first double-under, your score for the DU portion of that round is zero (ie no second chances).  You must start the DUs within 15 seconds of getting off the erg. Accuracy anyone? CROSSFIT ENDURANCE: Meet at the shop. Spring Fuel Challenge Kicks Off Today This spring’s fuel challenge is quite simple really.  We define Paleo, draw a hard line in the sand, and embark on a 30-day journey to better our health, performance, and longevity.  Why 30 days?  Because 30 days is habit forming. It’s why our Foundations Course is a month! This challenge was designed with each...
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Mobility Clinics start on Sunday.  Two attendance options.  Sign-up here. AND LAST CHANCE Spring Fuel Challenge INFO Session – 6pm tonight at Roots. “Michael“ Three rounds for time of:Run 800 meters50 Back Extensions50 Sit-ups Spring Fuel Challenge – Resources! Alright folks, here is a great list of resources for your 30-day journey you’re about to embark. Who has actually had success with this?MANY Roots athletes have had tremendous success with a Paleo style of eating. JOIN US this Friday evening at 6pm for “Paleo Success – Three Roots Athletes Share Their Stories” – come hear from three Roots athletes on their experience with going Paleo.  We’ll have an open Q&A at the end.  Not doing the challenge but interested in hearing?  Great!  This is open to everyone. Which foods can I eat?It should be very clear as to which foods you can eat.  If you’re still on the fence, here’s...
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“Diane”21-15-9 reps of:225 pound DeadliftHandstand push-ups REMINDER!: The 6pm class today is an Air Squat Clinic!  Come expose some of the faults in your basic air squat and learn some techniques to fix it during and outside of a workout.  Sign-up as usual on MBO. AND: Mobility Seminar Sign-up here. Starting Off on the Right Foot Alright folks, here we go.  The spring fuel challenge kicks off on Wednesday.  We hope that you’ve put some thought into how to best start this challenge. Here’s a how to guide on the shopping trip (which you should all be doing today or tomorrow): 1. Look over the week’s food plan and decide which meals you will make. Breakfast and lunch are pretty straight forward but look at the dinner options and pick three or all four to start with. 2. Write out your food menu for the week. That’s right, breakfast and...
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