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CrossFit Roots releases the January 2011 Newsletter.
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Welcome to 2011 Roots Crew! CrossFit Roots will be closed today. Keep an eye on your email inboxes for the January Newsletter PACKED with TONS of info.  Seriously, packed.
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For time:50 Box jump, 24 inch box50 Jumping pull-ups50 Kettlebell swings, 1 poodWalking Lunge, 50 steps50 Knees to elbows50 Push press, 45 pounds50 Back extensions50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball50 Burpees50 Double unders CrossFit Roots Highlights October – December… October 2010 Highlights Three athletes (Tracy, June, and Nicole) to the CrossFit/USAW Competition in Colorado Springs, 84 athletes completed the first Roots survey which helped direct class times and events for the upcoming months, prepared for and kicked off the WTF Challenge with in-shop blood work and a detailed explanation of each of the 10 levels. Twenty five athletes competed in the Roots Saturday Scavenger Hunt. November 2010 Highlights Networking Night Happy Hour, Erg Clinics with Lauren, Open Shop hours, The Week of the GHD, Lululemon Night, new t-shirts (finally),  follow-up blood testing, the start of the 100K Row Challenge, AND the announcement of the WTF Challenge winner. December 2010 Highlights...
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T-SHIRTS ARE IN!  ORDER ONLINE HERE AND SELECT IN-SHOP PICK-UP or SELECT TO HAVE IT MAILED TO YOU. 3 rounds for time:  run 40015 pull ups50 squats15 pull ups Roots 2010 Highlights July – September July 2010 Highlights Roots took on it’s fourth and final (to date) renovation in July.  Renovations included taking over what once was the West End Salon – and uncovering 75 years of dust and grime in the process!  We held workouts in the park and everyone helped out by going with the flow! We also held a parent/kid workout, which gave us ideas about CrossFit Kids. August 2010 Highlights Roots introduced the Meet a Root series to get to know members at the shop that you might not see on a regular basis, you came in for the Total Days of Summer (and rocked it!), we welcomed back the school year with Back-to-School-Night Happy Hour...
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2010 CrossFit Roots highlights April, May, June.
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