Final Affiliate Team Workout from the North Central Affiliate Cup(it’s complicated, we’ll explain at the workout) All of the 2008 CrossFit Games Workouts, done as a 4 person team. For Time:Chest-to-bar Fran21-15-9 reps of:thrusters, 95 lbs (65 lbs)chest-to-bar pullups Deadlift/Burpee5 rounds of:5 deadlifts, 275 lbs (185 lbs)10 burpees Squat Clean to Overhead30 reps of:Squat clean to overhead, 155 lbs (100 lbs) Only one athlete may work at a time. Work sets may be done in any order. Once an athlete starts their work set, they must finish that work set. Each athlete must do 4 work sets. The work sets are broken down as follows:1. 21 thrusters2. 15 thrusters3. 9 thrusters 4. 21 C2B pullups5. 15 C2B pullups6. 9 C2B pullups 7. 5 deadlifts/10 burpees8. 5 deadlifts/10 burpees9. 5 deadlifts/10 burpees10. 5 deadlifts/10 burpees11. 5 deadlifts/10 burpees 12. 6 squat cleans to overhead13. 6 squat cleans to overhead14. 6 squat cleans...
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