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Ten rounds for time of:135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps15 push-ups Bok Choy Stir FryMy grandfather fell in love with bok choy on a trip to China.  We now love bok choy.  Here’s to bok choy! Ingredients:1 bulb of bok choy1 onion3 cups mushrooms1 tsp coconut oil3 cloves garlic2-3 shakes of red chili flakes1 tbls basilSea saltPepper Directions:1. Peel off bok choy leaves and rinse with water to remove dirt.  Cut leaves into thin strips (1/2 inch wide)2. Half mushrooms and quarter onion3. Heat pan w/ coconut oil4. Saute garlic 5. Add add onions, saute for 5 minutes on medium/low heat6. Add bok choy and mushrooms and turn heat to medium7. Shake chili pepper flakes into pan (a little goes a LONG way)8. Cook until bok choy stems turn translucent
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New rules for the double-under.
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Roots does Helen. OPT video of sub 7 minute Helen. Planning ahead lays the groundwork for a solid CrossFit week.
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5 rounds: 21 thrusters21 double undersIf you are currently unable to do double unders, substitute 7 single-unders for every double under.  That’s right, 7 single unders for every double under.   Day 2 Highlights from the 2010 CrossFit Games Mountain Regionals. Want to see a clip of the sparkliest shoes at the mountain sectionals, a shot of the greatest cheering section, or a wide-eyed smiling athlete? Check out the video!
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CrossFit Roots plans to paint the shop. SoCal Qualifier workout planned for today.
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