Please read below for Friday class updates and Thanksgiving schedule. Three rounds for time of: 95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps 15 L Pull-ups 95 pound Split-jerk, 15 reps 15 Knees to elbows 95 pound Hang clean, 15 reps 15 Back extensions, with 25 pounds Friday and Thanksgiving Schedule You asked for an occasional weekday...Read More
Reminder: Please reply to the Annual Member Survey if you plan to do so. We will close responses Wednesday. Clean, 1 repBench press, 1 repOverhead squat, 1 rep Silliest CrossFit-Inspired Photo Contest We’re looking for YOUR PICTURE. CrossFit can be hard, challenging, and effective yet there is no doubt that it’s also fun, crazy, and...Read More
In teams of two: Part 1: 150 wallballmax rep burpeePart 2: 1 mile wall ball carrymax rep KB swingBOTH partners may be working at the same time but on different exercises. Must complete Part 1 before moving on to Part 2.Read More
“Tabata Something Else”Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises. Score is total reps from all 32...Read More
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:3 Wall climbs10 Up-downs5 Parallette pass-throughs (forward + back = 1)10 Grasshoppers (right + left = 1) Erging Longer & Stronger Form, technique, stroke rate, pace, meters, computers – AH! Want to better your erging capabilities and improve your performance in workouts? Come learn from the...Read More
SUGAR WILL KILL YOU. 21-15 and 9 rep rounds of: Left-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood Right-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood Pull-ups Register for Ryan’s Olympic Weightlifting Foundations Course HERE and gain access to Oly class. A Cup for The Cup Congratulations to Wendy for winning the Crocktoberfest Cup at the first annual Crocktoberfest. Wendy crafted...Read More
Crocktoberfest is here. Join us for Roots’ First Annual Crocktoberfest and crock-pot cooking contest! Bring your favorite crock-pot creation and compete with your fellow athletes for the title of Roots’ Ultimate Crocktologist. The event starts at 3:30PM and judging starts at 4:15, don’t be late!!! Here’s a recap of the fine print incase you’re just...Read More
20 minute AMRAP:You go, partner goes:12 burpees12 sumo deadlift high pull (95/65)20 box jumps (24/20)Partners switch off by EXERCISE, not by round. ie Partner 1: burpees, Partner 2: sdlhp, Partner 1: box jump, Partner 2: burpees… What’s Happening Calendar Update! We have A LOT to tell you about. So much that the November Newsletter is...Read More
Resting 60 seconds between sets:Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Crocktoberfest in 3 Days Just three days until the first annual Crocktoberfest. Who’s competing? Who’s already tried their recipe? Post to comments. Join us for Roots’ First Annual Paleo Crocktoberfest and crock-pot cooking contest! Bring your favorite crock-pot creation and compete with your fellow athletes for the title of...Read More