15-ft. rope climbs, 10 ascents100-meter walking lunge50 dips100-meter walking lunge10 muscle-ups Keeping it Simple Among the many great aspects of eating real foods is the freedom to ignore the latest, often ridiculous scientific study. The original CrossFit prescription is straightforward and following it a realistic endeavor: “Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit,...Read More
Front Squat10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Pushing Yourself in the Shop It’s 8pm and you pull up the blog to check out the workout – one of two reactions probably race through your head – “SWEET” or “UHHH.” In CrossFit, there are a ton of different types of the workout of the day, or the WOD – and they...Read More
50 pull-ups50 push-ups50 GHD sit-ups50 back extensions50 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball50 box jumps, 24-inch Sunday Scramble It’s 8:00pm on a Sunday evening. You headed out of town all weekend, played hard, relaxed well, caught a nap, and now you’re headed home on the Sunday evening let down – Monday morning approaching and no idea what...Read More
Meet at the Southwest corner of North Boulder Park. Tabata Sprintsrest 3 minutes, then:3 rounds for time:21 KB swings15 burpees9 goblet squats Park Workout Weekend – July! Read More
400m run21 thrusters (95/65)21 toes-to-bar400m run15 thrusters15 toes-to-bar400m run9 thrusters9 toes-to-bar The Science of Sleep Alex sent us this great article by James Clear on why and how we should develop better sleep habits. Very informative and well cited.Read More
Pausing Back Squat5-5-5-5-5- Cool Cruel Summer JulyMcGheeAs many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of: 5 Deadlift (275 lbs) 13 Push-ups 9 Box jumps (24″ box) Tickets to the CrossFit Games We have come into an additional set of tickets to the CrossFit Games. The tickets are the GOLD tickets and are $200/ticket. If you...Read More
10 rounds for time of:5 pull-ups5 push-ups5 rounds for time of:10 GHD sit-ups10 back extentions2 rounds for time of:25 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball25 box jumps, 24-inchRest as needed between couplets. Post time for each couplet to comments. Cool Cruel Summer Details! The Cool Cruel Summer July Edition is tomorrow! The nitty gritty! Heat Times and...Read More
Muscle Snatch 1-1-1-1-1Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3Snatch 5-5-5-5-5 First Workouts of the 2014 CrossFit Games Announced Check out the workouts that have been announced so far… what else do you think they’ll come up with?Read More