Back Squat 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 reps CrossFit for Hope and Shop Breakfast Party! Mark your calendars for the annual shop fundraiser. This year – CrossFit for Hope! On Saturday, July 6th join the entire CrossFit community in honor of a great cause. Affiliates all over the world will come together and do the “Hope” workout in their...Read More
Every five minutes for 6 rounds:Sprint 200 meters, for timeRun 400 meters Sprint, Then Run Today’s workout goes like this… 1. Sprint 200 meters, all out, as fast as you can go, for time2. Run, jog, move through 400 meters immediately after the 200 meters3. Start a new 600 meter effort every 5:00 minutes Athletes...Read More
3 rounds for time: 25 push ups15 power snatch (95/65)400m run Welcome Home Nicole! Nicole has spent the last three weeks in Santa Cruz, California, the birthplace of CrossFit, working with the the Media Team to keep us all up to date on what is happening at the CrossFit Games Regional Competitions around the world. She...Read More
20 double-unders8 muscle-ups40 double-unders6 muscle-ups60 double-unders4 muscle-ups80 double-unders2 muscle-ups100 double-unders(retest from Feb 2nd) Going Back to Cali… We write to you with some sad news! Our beloved Zac Pine has decided to move back to Santa Cruz, California where he and his wife Heather’s families both live. This is a great thing for their family...Read More
“Helen” Three rounds for time:Run 400 meters1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)12 Pull-ups Lost & Found Pick-up! Does any of this cool stuff look familiar? Lost and found is laid out at the entrance to Roots through Thursday. Grab your stuff!Read More
3 rounds:Run 400m12 front squats (135/95)12 pushups Last Day of Southwest Regionals Our very own Cindy Arangua is sitting in 12th place after two days. GO CINDY!! Check out for the latest updates.Read More
5 rounds:10 power snatch (95/65)50 double-unders It’s Not Always the Exact What, but the Just Do. Throughout my athletic career, from high school softball and swimming, college swimming, to distance running in grad school I operated on a just do mentality. My training programs were laid out for me and I rarely, if ever questioned...Read More
“Brehm”For time:15 foot Rope climb, 10 ascents225 pound Back squat, 20 reps30 Handstand push-upsRow 40 calories BREHM! Reminder! Wings pre-order for the first Cool Cruel Summer Series (May 30th, see below) ends today. $7.50 for 6-8 wings and $11.50 for the wing/salad combo. Sign up is available at the front desk. Check here for...Read More