Eating Well on the Go

400 meter Walking lunge
Post time and number of steps to comments.

Big ups to Olivia and June who completed their first workout with unassisted kipping pull-ups.  That's right, a 55 pull-up workout with NO BANDS.  Tremendous accomplishment and so exciting.
Big ups to Olivia and June who completed their first workout with unassisted kipping pull-ups. That's right, a 55 pull-up workout with NO BANDS. Tremendous accomplishment and so exciting.

Think Zone on the Go is impossible?  Read on to learn how sound nutrition while on the road is more than possible, it’s easy and fun.
I left for the Denver airport at 6:15AM on Friday and returned at 8:00AM on Monday.  Translation – I need 10 meals and 6 snacks for the next few days.

Thursday night I packed a Tupperware filled with a 3-block meal of hard boiled eggs, an apple, asparagus, and almonds and enjoyed my breakfast at 30,000 feet.  Upon arriving into the San Jose airport we headed to the grocery store where I bought enough food to cover my meals for the weekend.  I made my meals on paper on the plane, multiplied for two days, and then took my list to Whole Foods.  The shopping was a quick one as I grabbed exactly what I needed and didn’t spend time dilly dallying.  Total time at Whole Foods: 20 minutes.

Arriving at Trevor’s apartment I packed my breakfast and lunch for the next two days in a number of zip lock bags and Tupperwares.  Total time to complete: 30 minutes – mixed in with cooking dinner.

Breakfast on both days consisted of 3 hard boiled eggs, 9 almonds, an apple, and salsa.  Lunch was a mixture of deli meat, apples, salsa, and avocado.  Dinner was sauteed vegetables, eggs and sausage, and avocado.

The bottom line is that after a mentally intense and physically repetitive weekend I arrived back in Denver still on track and not feeling the let down of returning from a train wreck food weekend.  You know the let down I’m talking about.  It starts with breakfast at the airport, which is less than inspiring, spirals into lunch on the go, and then eating out for dinner with “it’s ok because I’m on vacation” as the validating train of thought.

I did join the other trainers for lunch on Sunday but ordered a Paleo meal and eye balled my Zone proportions.  Having been good thus far, it was easy to continue to make good decisions.  A Paleo Kit, hard boiled eggs, and an orange covered my journey back to Denver Monday morning.

Too much effort?  My argument is no.  It’s small efforts like these that keep us on track for the long term. Next time you fly out for a business trip or weekend away, start with breakfast.  Pack it and take it on the plane.  Not going anywhere?  What about packing your breakfast for a week to take to work.  Grab, go, and get a perfect start to every day.

7 Responses
  1. Scott –
    Protein subs other than eggs on the go are fairly easy. Deli meat is a great option. Try to get a gluten-free and low sodium brand. It packs well and travels easily outside of a refrigerator for an entire day. Depending on what grocery store you go to on your travels, you can often get cooked chicken breasts or packaged chicken in the prepared foods section. Beef jerky (but beware of what’s in it) is another good choice.

    Do those options help? Let me know, I’ve got other ideas!!

  2. Tracy

    Good work girls!! 🙂

    Thanks for the motivation to travel with good food, instead of falling into the crappy airport food trap! Several folks were definitely jealous of my yummy meal on my flight today – as they sat and sulked while eating peanuts and pretzels! 🙂

  3. Joylyn

    Hey Nicole,
    I thought this was a great post. A little preparation goes a long way toward feeling better day after day. Both my husband and I have been eating paleo/zone with Verve for almost a year, and before our 48 hour firehouse shifts, we plan out all our meals and snacks and pack them up. I keep a homemade snack kit with my gear, so I never have an excuse not to eat healthy or on a relative time schedule.