5 rounds:
5 deadlift
max rep consecutive push-ups
rest as needed between rounds

Paleo 2.0 Free Agents
Free agents will receive an email containing all of the other free agents’ emails. Go forth and find a partner.
Kevin K. (Bones) – go Paleo or go home
Kevin M. – can I still participate? PLEASE???!!!
KayCee J. – is Chris your partner? Let us know.
Kaitlin R – make sure I get on a cool team
Olivia W
Asha N.
Jason O. – he hunts goose
Karen K.
Allison S. – It’s going to be tough but at least I can say I tried…I love sugar and beer
Greg M.
Paul Sommer – Free agent looking for someone who can understand the challenge of dropping the daily IPA intake.
Wendy B. – Coffee ok? Sure she’ll participate!
Gil H.
Stephanie B. – she once said she’s never give up pasta, now she’s on her way to being a Paleo princess
Paleo 2.0 Teams (thus far)
Team 1: Lori T./Nisha A.
Team 2: Fraser R/Lil’ Jim
Team 3: Barbara/Mark
Team 4: Rowe/Holcomb
Team F— Gluten: Inderwies/Yap
Team 6: Anderson/Hyde
Team 7: Lawrence/James
Team 8: Grahams
It has been decided! Team 7 is now *Drumroll* Team ChIxDiGgIt!
And yes, we’re super serious.
Anybody out there heading down to Regionals on Friday that has a spectator pass and “nobody” to share it with PLEASE PLEASE let me know! I have a fellow xfitter buddy flying in from Chicago looking to partner up to use the “friend gets in for free wrist band” option. Would love to help my Chicago crew out as their expenses include flight, rental cars, etc….. Thanks for the love. : – )
CELL: (303) 819-9773
Email: [email protected]
Forgot to say he will split the cost with you….!!!!!!!!!! : – )
Wow. Team 6 has two finalists from the last Paleo challenge…they look like strong contenders.
Just warning everyone.
Yes, Tara, wow is right. #2 and #3 in the last paleo challenge on a team together adds up to… #5.
#3 minus #2 then we have #1. #1 wins it all. The fame, the glory, the abs.
So all I have to do is drop this challenge to win, right? I can taste the butter now.
Jim and I on paleo present a greater threat to ourselves.
Jeff standing on a box?
S/W/F 25 Seeks Paleo Partnership.
Socializing in non-threatening groups where alcohol (non-grain) is consumed
Snowboarding when it is sunny and there is fresh powder
Drinking unhealthily amounts of espresso
Long walks on the beach (shores of the Boulder Reservoir)
Candlelit dinners that do not include: carbohydrates, sugar, beans, salt, dairy products or grain alcohol
Snarky and sarcastic verbal exchanges
“That’s what she said” jokes
Looking for:
My better Paleo half – should be adept at handling vodka withdrawal symptoms of a disgruntled Paleo novice
Serious inquiries only – and please don’t force me to post this on the Craigslist Paleo Person Ads