Sumo Deadlift


A fitness regimen that doesn’t support health is not CrossFit.

We are pleased to announce the 2016 Spring Challenge at Roots! This challenge incorporates the best of the best to bring to you a thorough, well-rounded challenge that is just as much about the outside as the inside.
We’ll start with an excerpt from CrossFit’s “What is Fitness” article:

Sickness, Wellness, and Fitness
There is another aspect to the CrossFit brand of fitness that is of great interest and immense value to us. We have observed that nearly every measurable value of health can be placed on a continuum that ranges from sickness to wellness to fitness. See table above. Though tougher to measure, we would even add mental health to this observation. Depression is clearly mitigated by proper diet and exercise, i.e., genuine fitness.
For example, a blood pressure of 160/95 is pathological, 120/70 is normal or healthy, and 105/55 is consistent with an athlete’s blood pressure; a body fat of 40% is pathological, 20% is normal or healthy, and 10% is fit. We observe a similar ordering for bone density, triglycerides, muscle mass, flexibility, HDL or “good cholesterol”, resting heart rate, and dozens of other common measures of health. Many authorities (e.g. Mel Siff, the NSCA) make a clear distinction between health and fitness. Frequently they cite studies that suggest that the fit may not be health protected. A close look at the supporting evidence invariably reveals the studied group is endurance athletes and, we suspect, endurance athletes on a dangerous fad diet (high carb, low fat, low protein).
Done right, fitness provides a great margin of protection against the ravages of time and disease. Where you find otherwise examine the fitness protocol, especially diet. Fitness is and should be “super-wellness.” Sickness, wellness, and fitness are measures of the same entity. A fitness regimen that doesn’t support health is not CrossFit.”
We couldn’t agree more. While outside features, such as lean body mass, physique, and performance are all important indicators of health, biomarkers such as glucose, white blood cell count, and cortisol are equally important in the quest for health. This challenge brings those factors together.

Challenge Structure
An 8-week challenge that focuses on quality and quantity, fitness, sleep, balance, and long term health. Athletes will self-report points earned from a list of indicators. Athletes will enter their scores into SugarWOD in a special track created for challenge participants. Athletes will receive a detailed challenge packet complete with recipes and detailed information on each item in the challenge list. In addition athletes will gain access to 8 regularly scheduled coaches office hours where they can come ask questions, have a food log reviewed, or talk through trouble spots.
April 11-15 – Intake week and Chalk Talks
April 18-June 10 – 8-week Challenge
$40. Sign-up available HERE!
Additional Resources
We have partnered with two great companies to bring this challenge to life – InsideTracker and RADBoulder.
InsideTracker: This Boston-based company delivers sophisticated, science-based blood analytics, tailored just for you. Athletes who participate in the challenge will receive a special discount code for blood work. The test is simple to complete. Athletes can go to any QuestLab (there is one five minutes from the shop) and have their results and recommendations in five days.
RADBoulder: One of the biggest things we’ve heard is that folks have a hard time cooking all of their meals. We get it and RADBoulder is here to help. This local meal delivery service will offer 3, 5, and 7 meals/week options that meet the requirements for the challenge.
Questions? Post to comments.