Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Lost and Found Monday
Details for this week:
– March Newsletter comes out this week! Keep an eye on your email inboxes
– Sectionals WOD at 4pm on Thursday
Lost and Found Item Log:
– GAP zip sweatshirt
– Numerous half zip long sleeve shirts
– Brown pants
– Champion shorts
– 2 Mountain Hardware hats
– winter coat
Question of the day: If the shop kept Paleo bars and Paleo Kits on-hand for sale at the shop would athletes find this helpful? Post to comments.
I like the idea of having paleo kits for sale at the shop or offering the option to buy them in bulk like we used to do.
I would buy a paleo bar or kit from the shop.
oh yes!
Who lost their pants and how?
“…askin’ ’bout a diamond ring.” And yes, if the shop had paleo kits I would purchase a couple.
Yep, I’d get both at times
I would buy them…. that would be better than me stealing them like I did the water today!!! : – )
I’ve never tried either the bars or the kits, but I would definitely buy some and check them out…