Front squat
Build to a heavy single over five reps. Decrease load to 70% of heaviest single and start sets of 3s increasing load each set. Decrease load to 50% of heaviest single and work through 2 sets of 5. All percentages based on heaviest single reached that day.

Last Paleo Kit and SFH Pre-Order in 2012!
The last Paleo Kit and Stronger, Faster, Healthier pre-order of 2012 is underway. Stop by the front desk to fill out an order form.
What’s the benefit of pre-ordering? For Paleo Kit orders, you received a 10% discount and do not have to pay shipping. For Stronger, Faster, Healthier orders you do not have to pay shipping.
Frequently Asked Questions About SFH and Pre-Order
1. Don’t you guys keep this stuff in stock? Why should I pre-order?
We do keep a number of SFH and PaleoKit items in stock; however, more flavors and items are available through pre-order such as the Paleo Krunch Bars and additional SFH fish oil and protein powder flavors. PaleoKit pre-orders get a 5% discount and free shipping. SFH orders get free shipping.
2. What is a PaleoKit?
A Paleo Kit is a prepackaged vacuum sealed bag of beef jerky, dried fruit, and nuts. It’s a perfect on the go snack that delivers both fantastic quality and quantity.
3. Do I need protein powder? Do you recommend it?
Protein powder is a desirable option to a lot of athletes who are looking for an easy, on the go meal creation or who are looking for a quick post workout recovery method. Should it be a staple of your diet? Probably not. Is it a great tool? Yes.
Learn more about Stronger, Faster, Healthier here.
Learn more about Steve’s Club, the great work that they do, and PaleoKits here.
Pre-order runs now through Saturday.
Open Shop today at 1:30! Come work on some weaknesses, or play around with your strengths. Sign up on MBO!
Nice lifting this morning!! Lots of PRs on those front squats even with minimal rest. Keep it up!
8am rocked the house. Nice work everyone.