Push Jerk
Box Jump (24/20)
Push Press (135/95)

Maintenance – Did You Do Some This Week?
Did you do any maintenance this week outside of a group class? Foam roll, CrossOver Symmetry, banded stretches, lacrosse balls? We want to hear from you – did you do it at home or at the shop?
Post to comments.
I try to get to roots at least half hour before the wod starts to do some extra stretching or warming up. I keep it pretty simple and structured 3 sets of each movement on the crossover symmetry, lacrosse ball between scaps, hamstrings stretch and stretch out the hips. These have helped me tremendously. Most time I do these at roots but when on road do them at hotel gym or visiting box. I do roll a lot at home on lacross ball and form
roller. This little extra work each day has help me so much!
I foam roll almost every night, helps me sleep when I’m feeling tight, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and use my lacrosse ball against the wall to loosen up a tight spot in order to sleep again.
At the shop foam rolling after every class has helped a lot with soreness.
I try to get to roots at least half hour before the wod starts to do some extra stretching or warming up. I keep it pretty simple and structured 3 sets of each movement on the crossover symmetry, lacrosse ball between scaps, hamstrings stretch and stretch out the hips. These have helped me tremendously. Most time I do these at roots but when on road do them at hotel gym or visiting box. I do roll a lot at home on lacross ball and form
roller. This little extra work each day has help me so much!
I foam roll almost every night, helps me sleep when I’m feeling tight, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and use my lacrosse ball against the wall to loosen up a tight spot in order to sleep again.
At the shop foam rolling after every class has helped a lot with soreness.