Meet Peter! See below to get to know a fellow athlete and learn about what they do during the 23 other hours of their day. To read up on past Meet a Root posts, click HERE.
Months CrossFitting?
about 27 months.
Where were you born/raised?
Born in Ann Harbor, Mi. Raised in Lake Forest, Il. Lived in Chicago then Winnetka, Il.
How did you make your way to Boulder?
My wife Jenna and I moved to Colorado in June of 2013. We moved to Boulder a year later. Both of our children live here. Our daughter lives in Denver, she moved here in 2012. Our son lives in Boulder. He has been here about ten years. Both have two-year-old daughters.
What do you do here in Boulder (for work, family, career)?
Jenna and I are retired. We have a condo in Breckenridge.
7:30 am
How do you make CrossFit a part of your weekly schedule?
I go at least five times a week.
Why do you do CrossFit? Why do you like it?
I never lifted weights. Instead, I was into Pilates, Resistant Stretching, and Ginastica Natural, Tai Chi and biking. I ride both mountain and road. Lifting weights is a whole new world for me and I find challenging and invigorating. I can appreciate the quality of coaches at Roots. You don’t see that very often.
I have learned a LOT.
How has your experience with CrossFit evolved since you first started?
At first, I didn’t know a damn thing. Now I have learned the lifts, sorta, and my challenge is to gradually increase the weight without doing something stupid.
If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting at the shop, what would it be?
Be patient.
Favorite WOD or lift?
I find the Snatch and Jerk very challenging and rewarding.
Burpees are not quite so bad now.
Do you have any goals or aspirations in the next year, CrossFit-related or outside the gym?
At 65, my aspirations are all health-related. And my health is great. I watched both my parents pass away from cancer and Alzheimer’s. My goal is to keep coming to Roots regardless of my age.
This work, these WOD’s are one of the keys to staying really, really healthy. I wish I could convince more of my contemporaries of this.
When you’re not CrossFitting, what activities keep you busy?
Our grandchildren are immensely rewarding. We try to spend time with them without being a pain to their parents. Keeping our mouths shut about child rearing is hard.
I ride when the weather is good. Jenna and I go to Tai Chi several times a week. We go to Breck a lot, both in winter and summer.
Any favorite stories from Roots or a group class? Funny, comical, happy, cool?….
Roots folks are deceptively strong. I am always amazed.
Anything you’d like to add?
I’ve been a gym rat for a long time. I guess I have that gene. The Roots community is something to cherish and I do.
Love it! This guy is a stud.