Run _X_ kilometers
Don’t be lame. If you planned to come to today’s WOD and are now reconsidering after seeing the WOD, we will judge you.
The December Foundations Course kicks off this morning at 6:45. Welcome!

Metabolic Pathways, Part 2
Yesterday we described the three metabolic pathways trained with CrossFit and left you with the statement that training of and proficiency in ALL THREE metabolic pathways is vital for every athlete.
You potential to perform well at short fast (glycolytic) efforts is affected by your capacity in longer (oxidative) efforts. In short, skipping out on all the running WODs will hurt your abilities in shorter efforts such as Fran, Helen, or Tabata Something Else.
On Joining the Cult Roots Crew.
Tara joined the December Foundations Course which kicked off today. She has her own preconceptions and fears about CrossFit and Roots. Check out her blog post from yesterday.
I enjoyed Tara’s blog–good luck with the Foundations course, Tara. I can definitely relate! In fact, even though I’m now a couple weeks out of Foundations, I still am a little nervous before each class. You never know what you are going to get, but somehow you push yourself to get through. Hell, I completed the Filthy Fifty (with modifications of course)– but who would have thought it was possible?!
Run route:
I read tara’s blog too and must admit to feeling pretty much the same way. But now I’m as big a pusher as anyone. (meaning I sing the praises of it. I even got my mom to join and she Loves it !!). But that is where the cult comes in. It is really hard not to want everyone to do it. It’s just that much fun and different. I didn’t tell anyone for a long time I was doing it until I started to see significant results I could be proud of. And I still feel nervous before every workout.
With that said, it’s something my wife and I can do together that we really enjoy. And I even did a WOD over thanksgving with my mom(60+). How cool is that?
Can’t wait to meet the next foundations crew!!
I was wondering where all the CF comments were coming from on my blog. Thanks for the link. And the amazing time yesterday.
I am now more sore than afraid. 😉 But I’m coming back tomorrow morning and welcome the pain.
Anxious and afraid–yeah, that’s me before just about every class. The odd thing, though, is how much that motivates me. If it was easy and I knew I could do it no problem, well, I’d probably get bored quickly and stop doing it, like every other workout regimen I’ve had. With CrossFit, I’m constantly taken out of my comfort zone and pushed to excel by the entire Roots Crew (a.k.a. cult), and that really sets it apart. I think the team aspect, being able to draw motivation from how hard others are pushing themselves, is what leads to feeling like you’ve been drawn into the fold. And the results are what get me coming back. I’ve had the Kool Aid…and it’s good.