Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups

Paleo and Zone
You’ve heard us talk about two methods to get you dialed in to a healthy and sustainable way of eating: Paleo and Zone.
A way of eating that mimics the way our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic Era before the advent of agriculture. In short, you can eat meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. All grains, dairy, legumes, and anything processed are not a part of this way of eating.
The Zone diet is based on achieving hormonal balance from the foods that you eat. Each meal is crafted in a 40/30/30 ratio of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. While the diet does not prohibit any foods, we recommend athletes take on a real food Zone for most of their meals.
Each diet has its merits and our athletes have had tremendous success improving their health and performance with Paleo, Zone, and Paleo/Zone combo efforts.
Now I know what many of you are thinking. Why on earth would I want to start changing the way I eat during the most difficult month of the season. Our response is why not? If you are at all curious or would like to learn more about the Zone, come check out our Zone Chalk Talk this weekend to evaluate if it’s right for you.
When: 10:30AM at CrossFit Roots
Be a CrossFit Roots DJ for a week.
Tired of Jay-Z Pandora radio? Here’s your chance to spice things up. Volunteer to be a Roots DJ for a week and we’ll give you an iPod for you to load with PR-inspiring songs and mixes. You’ll have big shoes to fill as Blakely’s mixes set quite the standard, but that was three months ago! Post to comments if you’d like the job.
I’d like to try my hand at being a Roots DJ for a week 🙂 How many mixes do I need to make?
Six would be great, an hour or so in length.
Hey Nicole–Is the Zone talk at 10:30 on Saturday or Sunday?
Oops…Saturday at 10:30am.
I’ll be the guest Disc Jockey riding the crossfit horse!!!! Wait.. is that even what DJ stands for? I guess I am too new school to even know..
On Cindy, are those actually supposed to be air squats? Crap, I just did weighted squats…
Alright, 6 mixes it is. Should be fun! I haven’t made any mixes in a while.