CrossFit Games Open 12.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps, 24″ box
115 pound Push press, 12 reps
9 Toes-to-bar

CrossFit Open WOD 12.3 Details
Tonight is the 3rd Thursday Night Throwdown of the CrossFit Open. Because of the length of this workout we are looking for folks to volunteer for one of two judging shifts. If you choose to judge for one shift, you will have priority to choose your desired heat before or after your shift. This will allow us to run on time with the heats! Thank you!
WOD 12.3 Heat Times:
*Athletes will sign-up for a heat when they arrive at the shop. Doors open for warm-up at 4:00pm. FAMILIARIZE yourself with the movement standards here.
Judging Shift 1: 4:30-5:30
Judging Shift 2: 5:30-6:30
If willing to volunteer to judge, please sign-up here for a judging shift.
CrossFit Kids Sign-up
CrossFit Kids sign-up and registration opens today!
To learn more about the CrossFit Kids program, click here.
Notes: The course runs for 7 weeks and meets on Mondays from 3:15-4:00pm beginning April 9th. CrossFit Kids is for children ages 6-12.
The google doc is opening as read-only…dunno if its just my computer or not.
Good catch Odie. I just changed the edit settings.
If we need to scale the WOD beyond what they say on the Open website (like stepping up for box jumps, range of motion on T2B), can we still participate Thurs night? Or is it “Sorry, Stace–no rep” and I’ll come cheer people on?
Good question! I had a similar thought. I could probably do the box jumps and push presses Rx’d, but I can barely get my toes beyond my belly button :/
Jasmine and Stacey –
Great questions. We want everyone to try the workout as written – who knows you may surprise yourself as happened to a number of folks last week. That being said, if you get 5:00 min in to the workout without a breakthrough in site, we will scale accordingly. Hope this helps!
Good info, Nicole. I’m gonna get some toes to bar tonight even if it takes me the entire 18 minutes to do so. This is a conclusion I came to after a pep talk from Ali this morning.
I struggled with TTB for so long, shed many tears. Then one day I realized they are essentially a gymnastic movement and not a strength movement, so if you get the coordination and timing right, you can totally use momentum to get your feet up there. You can do it!
Hey Jasmine – you do the push presses – and I’ll do the toes to bar!
…maybe nobody will notice…
I like your thinking, Wendy. We are, after all, approximately the same height. We should coordinate outfits…then no one will know the difference!
Eating pita bread on the toilet?! That’s not paleo!
Totally not Paleo.
Yes, but gentler than Charmin. 🙂
Best pic ever!!
Hope everyone is ready to kill this WOD tonight! Thursday nights have been great so far with everyone coming to throw down and show their support.
Stacie and I were talking Tuesday night and we think it would be fun to have a potluck/happy hour after the last Thursday night throw down to celebrate. What does everybody else think? We could all just bring some food/drinks to share and after you’re done competing and judging just dig in!
Sounds great! As long as that pita from the men’s bathroom doesn’t make an appearance 😉
Yum! Steamed pita, it’s also a great exfoliant. Wow, what a night. Hank, your shins buddy, my goodness how many stitches did you end up with.
Karen, you rocked! That 75 lbs must be a pretty big percentage of your weight. Good job, I hope I wasn’t to agro with my encouragement.