For time:
Row 2,000 meters
50 wall-ball shots, (20/14)
Row 1,000 meters
35 wall-ball shots, (20/14)
Row 500 meters
20 wall-ball shots, (20/14)

Skinny Jeans and Rhabdo
I’ve never been a fan of skinny jeans for men. With the amount of squatting we do in CrossFit they just don’t fit and I’m really happy about that. This story explains the hard lesson a young lady had to learn about wearing skinny jeans, and it turns out they’re dangerous! Well, only if you intend to actually move in them.
Have you found your clothes fitting differently since you started CrossFit?
Hilarious. Has she ever heard of jeans with stretch in them?
Liz, I feel you could weigh in on this topic very effectively. I love my skinny jeans (thanks to Liz) and I’m not giving them up, but I’m also going to wear them in the appropriate size for my body, which it sounds like the girl in this video did not!…
Same! Stretchy for the win!
Hilarious. Has she ever heard of jeans with stretch in them?
Liz, I feel you could weigh in on this topic very effectively. I love my skinny jeans (thanks to Liz) and I’m not giving them up, but I’m also going to wear them in the appropriate size for my body, which it sounds like the girl in this video did not!…
Same! Stretchy for the win!
Skies out thighs out! and avoiding that whole testicular torsion thing.
Skies out thighs out! and avoiding that whole testicular torsion thing.