Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Summer Schedule
Check-out the new summer schedule above. This schedule will roll into effect over the next two weeks. Look on MBO for posted classes available for sign-up.
To note: 6 more morning class options, additional lunchtime WOD options, CF Oly in the AM, two 1.0 classes each week, two 7pm group WOD slots, and three Saturday classes.
Awesome update to the schedule. Thanks!
is this the wod for today thursday or wednesday ? For the last couple of days the www site seems out of sync with reality
Hi Fraser – Nope, no problems with the website. That’s the way it will be for the next few weeks. Sign-up for class, commit to being there, workout.
not a question of commitment just gear planning, do I need long socks for dead lifts, do I need running shoes ? etc etc. Yes I could lug around all my gear all the time… why post the WOD for the day before then ?
you don’t “need” anything other than typical workout clothes on any given day. i workout in the same gear all the time regardless of what the wod is. the only “special” shoes i have are for oly but even then i’ll sometimes do oly in my regular shoes to revisit mobility issues and make sure i can do the lifts independent of the gear i have.
like most everything we do, not posting the wod the day of is a bit of an experiment. doesn’t mean it will always be like this, but it could. and it may not be a commitment issue for you but for MANY it is. i can’t tell you how many people told me yesterday they never would have come had they known it was 800m repeats and i probably would have been in that group as well, so i get it, and now they’re all stronger both mentally and physically because of it.
this is how CrossFit was done back in the day. athletes showed up and they were put through a ringer of a workout and they went home. the only reason they were ever posted to the internet is because the demand got so large that it was the easiest way for Coach to put the wods out there for anyone to try.
oh, and this post was put up last night around 6 i believe.
This will challenge my memory for recording my stuff in whiteboard… but that’s probably a good thing!
As far as gear goes, maybe I’m one of the few with this ‘issue’ but I do like to know if we will be running or not. The sports bras I prefer to run in are really expensive (and not very comfortable) so I only have one. I don’t wear it every wod so that it will last longer. Silly issue I know, but I thought I’d put it out there. 🙂
Shane only has one sports bra too and he wears it every day. I think he bought a cheap one though since he says the chafing makes him stronger.
It is probably full of holes. From power cleans. Just like the pants I overheard him telling the 7am’ers about.
You boys will never understand. *pouts in the corner*
constantly varied….
This was for Wednesady.
Will there be another oly foundations? I missed out on the last one!
Hi Cassie. The next group oly foundations will be at the end of June/beginning of July. If you are interested in getting started sooner, email [email protected] for details on private sessions.
Has ERG been cancelled for the summer?
Hey Brad. The Erg wod is not gone for good. Lauren will be out of town most of the summer but it will be on the schedule when she is in town and back in full force at the end of summer.
To be honest, had I known it was 800M repeats yesterday, I probably would’ve found an open class (workday bedamned!) and come instead of taking a rest day, as that’s something I hadn’t tested since a year ago. It’d be nice to see how much progress I’ve made (probably not much, but hey) since the last time I did something like this. I’ve never late cancelled because I haven’t wanted to do a specific wod. I like it when something is posted the night before or in the AM so I can worry about it all day long!
Thanks to everyone for their honest feedback. There are benefits for some in posting the workout in the morning, before the day starts, and benefits to others when it’s posted at the end of the day.
Either way, there will be a workout at the shop and you will get fitter by coming to class.
with CFE we never know what’s to come…and I have realized that the 5:30 am’ers also don’t ever know whats to come. it’s been kind of fun in that way- a constant guess. I just need to always remember those socks for rope climbing!