3 rounds:
AMRAP 5 min:
200 m run
3 muscle-up
6 push press
9 wall ball
rest 1:00 min

Colorado Open and Class Schedule Additions
The Colorado Open registration opens today at NINE AM! Make sure you are ready to register! Spots fill up QUICKLY. Nicole is registered…who’s coming with her?…
Class schedule additions are being posted on MBO as we type! Be sure to look for additional morning options, noon classes, two WOD 1.0 options, and later evening WODs (7pm). We’ll post the entire class schedule with changes tomorrow!
Registration is open now! Looks like it opened at 9 Eastern.
okay… i registered! its funny how this comp was totally not on my radar until the post yesterday, then, out of nowhere… this competitive, fear-of-missing-out, monster has emerged! i couldn’t register fast enough! ha! lets do this!
All – as of 9:35am, the Registration is closed and all the slots are taken. Apparently registration opened earlier than 9am. Regardless, all is not lost if you want to compete. Email Skip Miller right now at [email protected] to get on the waiting list. There are always a lot of people that drop out for whatever reason, so if you are high enough on the waiting list, you might still get a spot to compete. But you need to email Skip now. I believe he fills up the waiting list in the order that he receives the emails.
I just tried to sign up and it’s full already! Email Skip if you want to be added to the waitlist
missed it! what a bummer. my email is in to Skip for the waitlist
I am… in over my head… swim swim swim!! Let’s do it!