Teen Strength and Conditioning – Free Intro Class
Saturday, February 7th at 11:00am. All Teens welcome.
Click here to sign up.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
Row 15 calories
10 box jumps, 30-inch box
185-lb. push jerks, 5 reps

Teen Free Intro this Saturday and January Mobility Wrap-Up
A Free Intro for Teens? That’s right! Think of all the ways CrossFit has helped you better yourself (mental toughness, clear-mindedness, compassion, self-esteem, parenting…) and imagine if you’d had the opportunity to do it starting in high school! If you know any Teens who might be interested, let’em know.
And, seeing as it’s now February, we wanted to report on January Mobility.
The January Mobility effort was met with almost no resistance from our community of athletes when we rolled it out on January 1st – thanks for your trust as we decided to try something new! The results appear overwhelmingly positive. If you remember, our goal was to help you relentlessly chip away on the same mobility task day after day by making time in class for you to do it.
Anecdotally, from coaches, we saw improved squats from the KB Squat Hold and the 3-way Mountain Climber. We also saw significant improvement from the pec-stretch, with many athletes’ elbows much closer to the ground by the end of the month.
From athletes, feedback was also positive. The pec-stretchers claimed to love their task (were you all sneaking mini-naps?). We have reports of better sleeping, progress towards toe-touching, and knees that finally go where their supposed to go (OUT!). Athletes also mentioned an appreciation for not feeling pressured to make their own time to work on their major mobility weakness.
What did you think of the mobility focus in January? Post to comments.
I liked the idea of the Jan mobility focus however; I didn’t
find the format effective. I benefit more from coach led mobility exercises
than repeating the same 2 movements during class time, for a month, on my own. Thanks for trying something new and asking our feedback.
It was awesome!!! It can be challenging to designate time after (or before) a workout for mobility, even though I know I should. So I appreciated spending time in class for the same two movement. I rarely do the same mobility movements/stretches twice on a regular basis and having that directed consistency helped my flexibility. It was an excellent addition to the class and having mobility month every month (or quarterly) would be great! Thanks!
PS – only fell asleep once during the pec-stretch