The 2011 Roots Super Bowl Pregame Throwdown – Be There

15 minute amrap
Row 250 meters
25 push-ups

The 2011 Roots Super Bowl Throwdown at North Boulder Park

Start your SUPER BOWL SUNDAY off on the right foot by coming down to North Boulder Park for a good old fashioned game of flag football.

When: 10:00am
Where: North Boulder Park

Post to comments if you plan on throwing down!

14 Responses
  1. Byron

    God Damn! I’m there!
    I’m canceling my snowboard plans for a game of flag football in the snow. How awesome!!!

  2. Stephanie Baltz

    Hmm… I would not be able to play, but I could surely stand on the sidelines and heckle. Besides, I will be more than ready to get out of the house by then!