Three rounds for time of:
95 pound Ground to overhead, 10 reps
200 yard Shuttle sprint, 50 yards there and back twice

The Colorado Open Wrap-up
Congratulations to Scott, Chris, Chad, Lawrence, Lori, Molly, and Emily who competed at this weekend’s Colorado Open. We are so very proud to have you represent Roots at this weekend’s competition. Also thanks to everyone who came out to cheer on and support the crew!
There were some significant differences in our athletes in this weekend’s competition vs. the Sectional in March.
Lawrence showed a poise that we did not see back in March. Stronger and with more awareness of form under his belt he stayed collected through out the workouts.
Molly showed heart that we knew she had in her but that is rarely tested. Coming off of a wrist injury that put her out for two weeks and then nursing it with scaled back workouts over the past three weeks she powered through the power clean/run workout with a lot of physical baggage. Competing after a less than ideal month prior can bring about the worst mental game imaginable; however, Molly won the battle.
Emily showed us once again that weights are just a number and competition is different. She power cleaned 105 pounds like it was her job and paced the workout in a manner that I am certain enabled her to make the cut-off.
Chad demonstrated the true CrossFit will. Going into the second day his hands were mangled chunks of flesh held together with tape (no seriously, they were messed up). He put the pain aside and edged out his competition to win his final heat of the weekend.
New to the competition scene was Lori, Scott, and Chris.
Lori rocked it! After Emily offered some friendly (and wise) advice that Lori should go for the power clean/run workout as prescribed Lori warmed up to 105 and with a little hesitation in her eyes left for her event. This workout was hard for her, that was obvious, but her determination was tremendous as she chipped away and finished the workout with a few seconds to spare. As a side note, this is 35 pounds more than Lori has ever cleaned in a workout.
Scott’s performances were both breakthroughs and we will now hold him to a higher standard at the shop:) Scott left nothing in the tank for every event and his dedication to preparing for this event was evident in his composure and approach to the entire weekend.
Chris showed us that competition is in his blood. His antsy and jittery pre-competition habits transferred into some unleashing of the beast once the clock started.
Overall results for the event can be found HERE.
Great job this weekend Roots crew! You guys & gals are impressive!
Yampa beef orders are in! Come pick-up your box in the freezer at the shop.
And remember to place your order for next month by SEPTEMBER 10TH!!!
Thanks to all those who cheered us on.
BIG THANKS to CFR Jason who used is magic chiropractic skills to help many athletes, including my self, perform to the best of their abilities.
I second the thank you on the support (and Jason too… who helped me out too)
But I also put out the challenge to the rest of you to come out next time and find out how hard you really can push yourself… Its surprising how much you can leave out there… certainly more than I had ever thought.
I talked w/ Cherie from Verve yesterday and she said “Think of this as a Marathon — most people don’t run marathons to say they won, but just to say they did it.”
And weirdly enough, it felt like that big of a deal and I think anyone who does it will be really proud of themselves (even when you finish in the bottom 10 like me).
Do it — it’s fun.
Thanks for the nice write up Nicole! I have a few things to add to the summary. Chad won BOTH his heats on Sunday because he’s a bad*ss! Lori outran everyone in the clean/run WOD. Lawrence’s clean form was almost perfect every time despite the heavy 165 #. You can definately see the benefits of his Oly training. Scott never gave up even though you could tell in a couple of the WODs he wanted to. Dizon had the best burpees by far in the last WOD. And Emily flipped all 10 tires when she thought she couldn’t! All around great performances by everyone. And as Scott mentioned, I encourage everyone to try a competition like this at least once. Here’s a link to Dizon’s video footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-EdHS9luTk&feature=channel
Nice work you guys. I’m jealous. One of these days…one of these days…