5 rounds for time of:
5 Thrusters, 155 lbs
5 Muscle-ups
400 m Run

Alexa (Lexie) Iris Miller was born on February 19, 2010 at 1:23 pm weighing 8 lbs, 2 oz and 21 inches long.

Many of you had opportunity to workout alongside Carolyn over the past several months.  Watching her balance workouts between what was best for her body and baby, and ok sanity too(!), through the many months of her pregnancy was nothing short of motivating and inspiring.

Carolyn you never ceased to amaze us as you worked through exercise substitutions, Oly lifts around an expanding belly,  pull-ups with 4 bands spread between two feet, and the occasional handstand – all with your positive attitude and warm smile.  Eric said, on numerous occasions, that you had the best pregnant-lady deadlifts he’d ever seen.

So the next question is – Carolyn, how long until the doctor gives you the ok to get back into the shop?


Carolyn on the platforms just one week ago.