Complete three four minute rounds of:
100 m Run
1.5 pood Kettlebell swings, 12 reps
10 Pull-ups
Rest exactly 2 minutes between rounds. Pick-up where you left off.

What a Night and Updates for Next Week
What an incredible night at Roots! Thanks to everyone who came out to do the workout, judge, cheer, or a combination of all three!
We do apologize for the delay in the heat times. Beginning next week, sign-up for the 13.2 heats will not be posted for sign-up on MBO until 6:30pm the evening before (Wednesday the day before the workout). This way, we can learn the time domain of the next workout and plan accordingly for the spacing of heats. Thanks for bearing with us this week!
Did you have fun? Did you PR? Do you want to thank your judge? Post to comments!
Diane, Thank you for inspiring me beyond my doubts.
I PR’d in the warmup area, getting a few snatches at 135.
Thank you Lynn and Lauren for cheering me on 🙂
good night as always. thanks to everyone! Considering I was adamantly against signing up, I really don’t know why I did… but I’m glad I did (last night AFTER the 13.1 announcement). Good fun.
thank you, judge diane! your commentary to go deeper in the squat is what got me to through #22, 75lb snatches!
Thank you Amy! You kept me going. 🙂
Admittedly, I was pretty terrified last night, but I went in with an attitude of “have fun” and I did. What a blast that was! I’m hooked. Amy, thanks so much for being my cheerleader and a super judge. And Shane, thanks for coaching me through the 75lb snatch. I didn’t manage to get it, but I really appreciate the guidance.
Thanks to Tracy E for being an awesome cheerleader for me during the 75# snatches! You kept me at a good pace. And thanks to Patrick for being an awesome judge. Thanks you guys I finished 20 burpees more than I thought I would going into the WOD!
Thanks Wendy Ball for being an awesome judge!
I”ll second that! Wendy’s encouragement helped me squeeze out those last few snatches. Thanks!
So much fun! Met my goal of getting to the 75# snatch attempts (couldn’t get it past my shoulders!) – Thanks so much to Chad for being an awesome judge & thanks to Lauren for cheering me on! Can’t wait for next week!
Thanks Odie! You’re a super cutie, and I really appreciated your encouragement.
Holy smokes! The vibe and energy last night was through the roof. Thanks everyone for coming out and cheering their lungs out. Thanks Dizon for being my judge!
I was so pumped up last night I had a difficult time falling asleep!
Thanks, Blaine, for your great encouragement. After 3 failures at 75#, you still knew I could do it. And I got 8 – better than the big fat zero last year!
That’s awesome Whitney!
WOOO HOOO!! Way to ROCK IT Whitney!
Thanks Nicole for the encouragement to sign up despite having just started Crossfit! I PRd with a 75# snatch during warmup and even managed to eke out a very ugly one during the workout. Thank you to Judge Jake Fojtik for making sure I hit every burpee and encouraging me all the way till the end!
Thanks to everyone who came out last night. Judges, you all kicked ass all night and the performances everyone put up were amazing! A great start to the next 4 weeks.
Super fun atmosphere. Thanks, Dre, for your encouragement!
LUV’D the energy last night! Being a judge was BEST thing that’s happened to my understanding of snatch skill (since Ryan Landis’ Oly Foundations, of COURSE!) because after seeing such great form repeatedly in the folks I was honored to judge (Amy Fallon, Adam Urness, Verona, and Nathan — if I got that last one wrong, just chalk it up to “mental pause”!!) by George, or should I say “by Greg”!! (Glassman) I think I may actually start to “get it’!! 🙂