Back squat
10-10-10-10-10 reps


“Approaching the Open with the attitude of having fun while seeing what I am capable of changed my outlook.” ~ Alex Chaux

Why I’m Doing the Open – Alex Chaux

In the 4th installment of our “Why I’m Doing the Open” series we highlight athlete Alex Chaux.

Age: 46
Occupation: Manager of IT Development
Family: 1 son
WODS: 5 per week

1. How many years have you been CrossFitting?
4.5 life enhancing years.

2. How many years have you done the Open?
2 years.

3. Why did you choose to compete in the Open?
I was a bit reluctant at first, to be honest.  I never wanted Crossfit to be a competition for me because I didn’t want to push myself beyond my abilities to the point of injury.  I’ve had that type of an experience with other sports, and thought I might do the same here.  Fortunately that was not the case.  Keeping your ego in check is a good lesson to learn.  Approaching the Open with the attitude of having fun while seeing what I am capable of changed my outlook.

4. Were you able to do all the workouts?
In 2014, yes, although WODs 14.1(double unders + sntatches), and 14.2 (overhead squats & C2B pull ups), incorporated two movements I have a lot of trouble with.  I didn’t have double-unders and overhead squats hate me.  It was kind of difficult to start the open with those workouts, but, I just kept things in perspective and carried on.  And then comes a workout that you are really strong in, and all is good.

5. What is your favorite part about the Open?
Doing the Open WODs at the Roots’ throwdowns.  It’s fun to cheer others on and to be cheered.  It’s a fun environment.  The Open also highlights things you really have to work on to improve.  Overhead squats still hate me, but that’s alright, I’m much better at the double-unders and can crank out some handstand pushups now.

6. Are you going to compete again this year?
Yup.  Looking forward to it.

7. Anything else you want to mention?
It’s about having fun and doing cool workouts with friends.  The stories and conversations after the workouts last a whole lot longer than the WODs themselves.  Its fun, or maybe interesting is a better word, to see how you stack up against the 200,000+ other athletes that signed up.  I also like it when we repeat the Open WODs at a later date.  They provide a good benchmark on how you have progressed.