Back squat
6 minute AMRAP:
15 wallball (20/14)
10 burpee

WOD 1.0 Tuesdays @ 5:30 pm – Take advantage!
We want to remind everyone about the new class on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm, WOD 1.0 – open to all members! The goal of WOD 1.0 is to take the most complicated skill in the WOD that day, and break it down to get some solid technique practice. It’s perfect for athletes just getting started with CrossFit group classes after finishing Foundations, who are looking to improve their fitness level and understanding of CrossFit methods. For newer athletes, the slower pace will provide more individual attention and guidance to continue to build upon the skills you learned in Foundations. We also welcome our veteran athletes! Anyone looking for a more detailed overview of the movements for the day is welcome. For experienced athletes, you’ll get more time devoted to perfecting the skills you know need extra attention.
We are going to try our best to post the skill of the day on Sunday evenings so you know what the focus will be (without giving away the workout!). We’ll post tomorrow’s skill to comments today.
How about some Oly Meet scores?
Good call Walker! We’ll work on getting the numbers up soon!
Nice work, Scott!
Great job everyone that did the Oly meet on Saturday! And thanks to everyone that came to watch!
Yeah, nice job everyone! And thanks to everyone who came to watch!
The meet was fun! More more more! 🙂 Everyone did great. And I am still reeling from Russell’s nearly 300% BW total.
Great job this morning AM’ers. Lots of PR’s set. Keep the trend going PM crew!
I love to PR!!!! 135 lb backsquat this morning. That’s nearly 125% of my body weight!
Great job to everyone who lifted and volunteered yesterday! I’m very proud of all of you. We had a very successful meet with lots of pr’s! More meets will be coming this year so get on your oly and A.H.W.F.!
Now if I was only wearing a singlet… I hope we can have regular meets — at least spring and fall. It was awesomely motivating and a unique experience. I encourage everyone to get their Oly on — there is nothing more rewarding than PR’ing an OLY lift, except knowing you also did it RIGHT.
Thanks everyone who came out — it was a blast.
TUESDAY WOD 1.0 is going to be FULL of fun skills this week!
Our focus will be:
Clean & Jerk and Rope Climb
Hope to see you there! Sign up on MOB