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For time:Row 500 meters50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ballRow 400 meters40 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ballRow 300 meters30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ballRow 200 meters20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ballRow 100 meters10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball jumpNrope Clinic Sign-up jumpNrope is coming to Roots!  Details on the 2-hour double-under clinic are here. Sign-up and registration is here.
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“The Seven”Seven rounds for time of:7 Handstand push-ups135 pound Thruster, 7 reps7 Knees to elbows245 pound Deadlift, 7 reps7 Burpees7 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood7 Pull-ups Hydrostatic Dunk Tank Testing Tomorrow – Details. Tomorrow is the first of two days of hydrostatic dunk tank testing at Roots.  This test gives you your weight, lean body mass, and percent body fat. The testing is open to all Roots members but is required by anyone participating in the Processed Food Blows Challenge. If you’re interested in learning about your body composition but not signed up for the challenge, you can still snag a spot at the front desk.  There are a good number of time slots still available. Cost for the test is included in your Processed Food Blows Challenge fees.  If you’d like to do the test, here are the costs:– Before and After: $60– Initial: $49 – After Only: $35Cash or check...
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Backsquat 3-3-3-3 Educating and Saving a Nation. This weekend landed me in Tampa, Florida – Dunedin to be exact – and, compared to what I am exposed to on a normal basis, I saw a disproportionate number of the 33.9% of the US population that is obese.  It struck a chord with me. The impact of the obese population in this area was staggering – I saw four diabetic stores and health centers within a 2 mile radius, the sidewalks looked like MarioKart as overweight people opted for motorized transportation over walking (and in all fairness, some of them were simply too large to walk), and individuals emerged from handicapped parking spots no older than 40 and not handicapped, but too overweight to walk any great distance. There was nothing funny about the state of Dunedin. On a walk with my Dad we discussed some of the impacts of an overweight...
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Open Shop10:30am – 12:30pmOpen to members only. Sign-up on MBO. Processed Food Blows Food Chalk Talk Tonight The first Processed Food Blows challenge informational session is tonight at 6:30pm.  Come get your packet, learn about our approach to food, and ask questions about the structure of the challenge.  
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