
Stay in the Know

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For time:
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
25 Toes-to-bar
40 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
20 Toes-to-bar
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Toes-to-bar
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
5 Toes-to-bar Three Year Anniversary Party Evite. The 3-year Anniversary Party and Member Appreciation Picnic EVITE went out this past week.  Please be sure to RSVP!  We hope you can come.
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Deadlift (Week 10)then, 5 minute AMRAP:5KB swing5 push-ups10 KB10 push-up…add 5 reps to each round for the five minutes. Endurance Happy Hour is Monday! Don’t forget!  The first inaugural CrossFit Roots Endurance Team happy hour is MONDAY!  This event is open to all Roots members and will be a great evening event. Check out the details here. Who plans to attend?  Post to comments.
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3 four minute rounds of:row :30 seconds / rest :30 secondsrest exactly four minutes between rounds Helicopters Athletes are like helicopters, tons of flying time and very little maintenance.   CrossFit, hiking, biking, running, paddle boarding, water skiing, skiing, snowboarding – we do it ALL!  But for every hour of activity do you work through a corresponding amount of maintenance and mobility? How much maintenance per day is the bare minimum?  What three mobility exercises are your go to?  Do you do maintenance everyday or wish you made more time for it?  Have you solved a movement deficiency or injury with mobility and maintenance work?  Post to comments.
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For time:
30 GHD sit-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 30 reps
30 Double-unders
95 pound Overhead squat, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups A Squirt of Dopamine. Last week’s issue of The Week featured a cover story titled “Technology: Is it Making Addicts of Us All?”  The article highlights the psychological impacts of our obsession with technology including cell phones, computers, the internet, texts, and emails.  The details are scary: “Research shows that constant use of these devices is actually rewiring the physical structure of people’s brains. Every time your phone, tablet, or computer pings with a new text, tweet, or email, it triggers a sense of expectation, and the reward centers in your brain receive a pleasurable “squirt of dopamine.” Over time, a brain habituated to these quick fixes shrinks the structures used for concentration, empathy, and impulse control, while growing new neurons receptive to speedy processing and instant gratification.”  (The Week, August 2) After thinking through...
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Paleo Kit and Stronger, Faster, Healthier pre-order.
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