
Stay in the Know

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Check your email inboxes for the first newsletter of 2012!  Additionally, we’re trying something new and we’ve posted the entire contents of the newsletter into today’s post!  Be sure to stay up to date! See below for information on:Upcoming EventsAnnouncing the Winter 2012 Sleep and Recovery ChallengeAdditions to Class ScheduleClass Type DescriptionsRyan’s Winter Olympic Weightlifting ProgramErg Finishers2011 Holiday Party Recap Upcoming Events Tuesday, January 3rd, 5:30pm – Start of the Olympic Weightlifting Team ProgramSaturday, January 7th, 6:30am – CrossFit Open Interest MeetingSunday, January 8th, 4:00pm – RestWise presentation and Information Meeting on the Winter ChallengeFebruary 4-5: Colorado State and Open Olympic Weightlifting MeetFebruary 14th: CrossFit Roots Couples WorkoutFebruary 22: Start of the CrossFit Games OpenMarch 10: CrossFit Roots In-House Olympic Weightlifting Meet Announcing the Winter 2012 Sleep & Recovery Challenge Here comes the 2012 Winter Athlete Challenge – the Sleep and Recovery Challenge.  We know what some...
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CrossFit Roots reviews the year of 2011.
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For time: Run 1000 meters 100 Push-ups 135 pound Snatch, 10 reps
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5 rounds for time:5 box jumps (40/32″)10 pull-ups10 wallball (20/14)10 KB swings (24/16kg)Decrease box jump number by 1 rep each round.  For example, Round 3 would begin with 3 box jumps. Updates New t-shirts are IN.  Check them out on the fencing above the front desk.  Order one for pick-up here. Sign-up for Ryan’s Winter Olympic Weightlifting Program is now available for sign-up HERE.  For more details on the program, visit here.
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2/3rds TotalBack squat, 1 repShoulder Press, 1 repathletes may choose low or high bar back squat.  all CrossFit Total Rules apply.  athletes get 3 attempts at each lift.  period. Read up on The CrossFit Total HERE. Gearing Up for a 1 rep Max Back Squat First of all, get your head in the game. Forget about everything else that is going on in life and focus on this one lift thats happening right now. Ready? Good. Approach the bar and place your grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Step under the bar, but DON’T LIFT IT. This is a HEAVY load, so let’s get prepared. Standing in a quarter squat under the bar pull your shoulder blades back. Act as if you are trying to make them touch. Slide your grip inward as close to your shoulders as you can. Tighten every muscle in your back and turn those elbows...
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