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Team Workout #1 from the MBS Turkey Challenge Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 Plate ground to overhead 45 lb./25 lb. 15 Hand-release pushups 20 Air squats 400 meter plate run 45 lb./25 lb. Each team will be given an area and weights. Only one athlete will be allowed to work at a time. So, as soon as the first athlete finishes the air squats and leaves the area for the run, the second athlete can begin doing GTO’s. Each team will receive three weights – one 45#, one 25#, and either a 45# or 25#, depending on what their 5th athlete is (male or female). It is possible during the workout that the team will have 3 athletes on the run with the plates, leaving 2 athletes waiting for the plate to return so they can do the GTO’s. Some thoughts on CrossFit and...
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CrossFit Roots at 6:30am strength class.
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“Santora”Three rounds for reps of:155 pound Squat cleans, 1 minute20′ Shuttle sprints (20′ forward + 20′ backwards = 1 rep), 1 minute245 pound Deadlifts, 1 minuteBurpees, 1 minute155 pound Jerks, 1 minuteRest 1 minute Growing Up Paleo Last night Eric and I ran into a friend who, over the course of the past six months, has moved to a Paleo way of eating and reaped the benefits. Both physical and health related indicators have improved and he was a happy camper, except for one thing – his elementary school age kids wanted nothing to do with Paleo foods. “Why can’t we have the good food?,” they would ask him. He shared his thought that if his kids had been fed Paleo foods from the get-go (as babies) that it wouldn’t be so difficult now. In other words – growing up Paleo had some significant advantages. Not having kids it was...
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For time: 100 Burpee pull-ups Ideally, the pull-up bar is one foot above your reach.   Party!  Party!!  Party!!! Mark you calendars and GET READY TO PARTY!  The annual Roots Holiday Party is set for Wednesday, December 21st at 6:00PM. Keep an eye on your email inboxes today for the official Evite and please RSVP.  Bring your spouse, a date, your significant other, your family, but not your dog. See you there! NY Times Article: Should We All Go Gluten Free?
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Charlie Merrill and Merrill Performance cycling jersey around Boulder.
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