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Open Shop today from 11:30 – 1:30Open to members only. Hollow rock holds make for a strong midline. If these are hard for you, think about how this plays into your ability to pull a 1 rep max deadlift! What’s Happening! CrossFit Roots Elements Course – this week Monday, Thursday, Friday All athletes who wish to join our group classes must first start with the CrossFit Elements course. The course is 3 sessions over the course of one week and is capped at 3 people. The purpose of the course is to teach and familiarize you with the movements used in the group class, introduce you to workouts of increasing intensity and difficulty, start you on the path toward nutrition that will support fitness and health, and get you to the point where you can assimilate into a group class.  Elements courses are posted and available for the next two...
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For time: Row 1000m50 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg50 Sit-ups Row 750m 40 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg 40 Sit-ups Row 500m 30 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg 30 Sit-ups Elements Sign-up Information Thanks to everyone who came out to last night’s Free Class and Intro Session.  Details on the Elements Course and sign-up information are available here. Please contact us if you have any questions!
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CrossFit Roots holds a Free Class and Intro Session at 6:00pm.
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“Cindy”Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:5 Pull-ups10 Push-ups15 Squats Benchmark Workouts Explained It’s not uncommon to hear that a person’s first introduction to CrossFit was the workout Cindy.  Cindy is one of the benchmark girls workouts.  Benchmark workouts are one of the ways we gauge athlete progress.  Read on for more information on the benchmark series of girls and heroes. The Girls You’ve often heard the coaches refer to benchmark workouts in class. In most cases, these workouts are titled with a girl’s name, such as Cindy, Fran, or Grace. CrossFit defines its training program as “constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity.” With a constantly varied program (one where no two days are ever the same) it could potentially be difficult to gauge the effectiveness of the program as well as ones progress in all areas of fitness. That’s where the benchmark workouts...
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With a continuously running clock…1 C&J on the minute, 2 on the 2, 3 on the 3…for as long as you can go (135/95) Fuel Your Journey Make-up Date The Fuel Your Journey Make-up Intake Session will be Tuesday, October 4th at 7:00pm. Please plan to be here for 1.5 hours.  This schedule is only for participants who cannot make the Kick-off Session on Friday, October 7th. Click here to challenge details! 9 spots remaining.
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