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Annual shop closure Day 1.   Fight Gone Bad 6 Details During the week of September 12th CrossFit Affiliates all over the world will do the workout Fight Gone Bad to raise money for three great causes. This has been an annual event since 2006 and has raised a combined total of more than $2 million. This year, CrossFit Roots will participate in the event that raises money for the following charities: Special Operations Warrior Foundation, CrossFit Kids and the Infant Swimming Resource, and Camp Patriot. How Can You Help? First, come participate in the event and do the workout! Help us raise money by donating and through fundraising efforts among your friends and family. To get started, go to the official FGB6 website and register. Please be sure to join the CrossFit Roots team; this will track your individual as well as our total affiliate donations. Anyone raising $150...
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Tomorrow begins our week long annual shop closure.  We will post content each day with lots of information on upcoming events and pictures of the new space.  Enjoy the time away and come back chomping at the bit! Event information will include:– Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser– Fall Food Challenge– Barbells for Boobs  
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In teams of two, complete 3 metcons one after the other:1. Run 800m in 200m incrementsWhile one partner is running, second person must hang from pull-up bar.  Each time a team member drops from the bar the team must complete 5 burpees.  Burpees done after the 800 is completed.2. 100 ring push-upsPartner 1 does ring push-ups while partner 2 does L-sit hold.  When partner 2 drops from L-sit, partners switch.  Keep going until 100 push-ups are reached.3. 200 KB goblet squatsPartner 1 does goblet squats while partner 2 does handstand hold.  When handstand person comes down, partners must switch. Annual Shop Closure A reminder to all athletes that the shop will be closed from Monday, September 5th through Friday, September 9th for the annual shop closure. The annual closure takes place every year at Labor Day.  This year, like each year, we have heard a number of athletes comment that...
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CrossFit Roots details the fight gone bad week at Roots.
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CrossFit Roots announces that it has found a new space!
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